Summer Spotlight: Tosa Odiase

Tosa Odiase standing in front of lab equipment

Major: Biomedical Engineering
Minor: Computer Science
Expected Graduation: 2026

Who are you interning with?

Procter and Gamble

Explain the details of your internship. 

I am working as an associate researcher intern. I will be refining and collecting analytical data on the dissolution of Tide Pods. I will be creating a standard operating procedure for a completely automated testing system using Python programming and a programmed universal robot. My goal is to scale the testing system in order to test 50-100 samples without any human interaction!

How did you find this opportunity? 

NSBE Career Fair

What has your experience been so far?

It has been such an informative environment! There are a plethora of resources to help me navigate my work and I learn about things I couldn’t dream of working on everyday!

What are you most looking forward to?

I’m most looking forward to programming the universal robot to move film tests automatically.

What's your best advice for students who might be looking for a similar opportunity?

Be proud, personal, and consistent! The most important thing about networking is making connections wherever you go. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself in challenging environments. It’s not about you being good fit for the company, it’s about if the company is the right fit for you and your career journey!