Lab Equipment

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CADWorks3D printer ProFluidics 285D is a high-end DLP printer with 4 million pixel projector technology and a build size of 100x62x120mm. Its distinguishing feature is dynamic pixel advantage which allows the printer to reliably achieve an XY pixel resolution of 28.5um; it is able to take the cube-like structure that is prevalent with DLP prints and find the best curve to fit to create a smoother, rounded-out surface finish.


Centrifuge Small

Make: Sprout Plus Mini (Heathrow Scientific)


  • Maximum capacity: 6 x 1.5/2.0, 0.5, 0.2 mL
  • Maximum speed: Appro. 6,000 rpm (fully loaded)
  • Maximum RCF: 2000 x g




Centrifuge Medium

Make: Sorvall Legend Micro 21 Microcentrifuge (ThermoFisher)


  • Maximum capacity: 24 x 1.5/2.0 mL
  • Maximum speed: 14800 rpm
  • Maximum RCF: 21100 x g
  • Temperature Range: Set from -9 °C to +40 °C per 1 °C increment



Centrifuge Large

Make: Sorvall ST 8 Small Benchtop Centrifuge (ThermoFisher)


  • Maximum capacity: 6 × 50 mL
  • Maximum speed: 16000 rpm
  • Maximum RCF: 24328 × g





Make: Dell Desktop Computers


  • Intel CPUs with 4 cores & 8 threads
  • 32 GB DDR4 memory
  • 1 TB NVMe solid-state driver
  • 2 TB hard driver

Workstations are used to run simulations (MATLAB or Python), SolidWorks (CAD), SigmaPlot, imageJ, or any other desired software.

If supercomputing power is needed, our lab collaborates with the Ohio supercomputer facility, Ohio Supercomputer Center, to use their high-performance computing, advanced cyberinfrastructure, and other computational science education services.


Make: Arium Mini (Sartorius) 


  • Resistivity: 18.2 at 25°C
  • Feedwater Source: Distilled, DI, RO, EDI
  • Volume dispensed from 50mL 

Deionized water is used extensively in studying chemical reactions, colloidal interaction, and biological sample preparation. Deionization systems work by replacing negative and positive molecules in the water with H+ and OH- molecules. Organic substances are removed through filtration which improves the quality of the water and prevents the formation of scale deposits.




Make: Byko-drive S Automatic Film Applicator (Gardco)


  • Drawdown speed can be set to 10 mm/s or 1 inch/s
  • The film casting knife allows for Gap Clearance: 0-3.8 mm and has a blade Width: 2 inches