Student Publications

Student publications produced in the Advocacy and Public Health Pathway serve as a platform for community discussion within Case Western Reserve University and beyond. These publications highlight research efforts and help address issues in public health through opinion pieces, journals and other compositions.

Published Opinion Pieces

Date Title Author(s) Publication
1/12/2022 HB 480 is not just about abortion
  • Jameson Mitchell
  • Hannah Ahrendt
  • Elizabeth Stanley
9/12/2021 Capping insulin co-pays in Ohio could help save lives
  • Rohit Anand
9/21/2020 Ask Trump and Biden how they'd fix gross inadequacies of US health care: Medical students


  • Rohit Anand
  • Dhiksha Balaji
  • Aparna Narendrula
  • Jasmine Serpen
USA today
2/17/2020 The Real Choices in American Healthcare
  • Rohit Anand
Common Dreams