
Students in the Advocacy and Public Health Pathway at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine gain knowledge, skills and real-life experience needed to thrive beyond graduation through diverse experiences—from preclinical (and clinical) electives and summer projects to scholarly activities, field experiences and more.

Preclinical Electives

Advocacy electives are open to all students. Pathway students are required to complete the Physician as Advocate and Field Experience electives as well as an advocacy-related elective of their choice.

Physician as Advocate

MEDS 9014M: This elective involves a set of dinner meetings in the fall of the first year. Students meet with physician faculty engaged in advocacy and take part in skill-building workshops developed in partnership with the Social Justice Institute and multiple community advocacy organizations.

MEDS 9024M: This elective involves a set of dinner meetings in the fall of the second year. Students meet with physician faculty engaged in advocacy and take part in skill-building workshops developed in partnership with the Social Justice Institute and multiple community advocacy organizations.

Law School Electives 

MEDS 9005, Healthcare Controversies: Coordinated in partnership with the School of Law, this elective involves learning side by side in interdisciplinary teams with law students and other health professional students. Participants gain a unique perspective on a series of current and controversial topics in health law and policy.

MEDS 9005/LAWS 5204, Genetics and the Law: Coordinated in partnership with the School of Law, law students and medical students, along with other health professional students, gain a unique perspective on the ethical, legal, and policy implications of scientific advancements in the fields of genetics and genomics. This elective is offered at the law school every other year. 

Field Experience

MEDS 9009: In this elective, students work directly with a local community partner to complete an advocacy task or project, as directed by the partner, and develop an Advocacy Portfolio documenting their work.

Summer Project

Students can choose to work throughout the summer between their first and second year on an advocacy project. This provides an opportunity for sustained engagement on advocacy work that is of particular interest to the student. Students may choose to work in a local governmental or legislative office, with a community advocacy organization, engage in advocacy or policy research or development or grassroots or community organizing. Multiple experiences are available through our associated faculty, collaborating organizations and community partners.

Clinical Elective

Students can choose from a variety of clinical electives focused on underserved populations, health determinants, health systems science, quality improvement, public health, health policy and advocacy. Students must complete one approved clinical elective.

Scholarly Activities

Students are encouraged to engage in scholarly activity including policy development, advocacy research and presentation of their work at local, regional, and national meetings. Multiple experiences are available through our associated faculty, collaborating organizations and community partners.

Through support from faculty in research centers including the Center for Reducing Health Disparities, Center for Community Health IntegrationCenter for Healthcare Research and Policy and the Schubert Center for Child Studies, students have an opportunity to work on existing projects or develop independent projects with faculty assistance.

Prior advocacy students have presented their work at local and national conferences including the American Public Health Association, the Association for Prevention Teaching and ResearchDoctors for America, and The Society for Public Health Education.