
The Advocacy and Public Health Pathway is one of six parallel programs within the School of Medicine designed to enrich the academic experience for students at Case Western Reserve University—one of the top universities in Ohio with the #1 medical school in the state. 

Our History

Since launching in 2021, our pathway students have met weekly (or biweekly) as they explore complex health determinants, health systems science and health disparities through mentored projects and scholarly activities. These meetings allow them to explore interests and build expertise beyond that to be expected within their core curriculum. 

Learn More About Our History

Our Faculty

Our program is composed of notable faculty who help facilitate a supportive student network within the program and increase student success.

Meet Our Faculty

Our Participants 

Pathway students build lifelong connections and support systems that last long after graduation.

Meet Our Participants

Our Experiences

From field experiences and various electives to scholarly and other student activities, take a look at various opportunities that our participants can pursue.

Learn More About Our Experiences