Meet the people of the Willard Bernbaum Cystic Fibrosis Research Center at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
Ilya Bederman, PhD
Research ScientistDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesDrumm LabSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.5578
Tracey Bonfield, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineAssistant ProfessorDepartment of MedicineSchool of MedicineAssistant ProfessorDepartment of PathologySchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4558
Ronald A. Conlon, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineDirectorCase Transgenic and Targeting FacilityMemberCancer Genomics and Epigenomics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1826
Rebecca Darrah, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineCo-DirectorGenetic Counseling Training ProgramDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.4911
Mitchell Drumm, PhD
Connie and Jim Brown Professor in Cystic Fibrosis ResearchProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of PediatricsVice ChairmanClinical and Translational ResearchDirectorThe Research Institute for Children’s HealthEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6893
Tori Endres, MD
PediatricianUniversity Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's HospitalUniversity Hospitals Cleveland Medical CenterAssistant ProfessorPediatric PulmonologySchool of MedicineEmail:
Chris A. Flask, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of RadiologyPediatricsBiomedical EngineeringSchool of MedicineCo-DirectorImaging Research CoreSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Imaging ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.844.4963
Alex Gifford
Associate ProfessorCystic Fibrosis Research CenterSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.465.6786
Adeline (Lynn) Hajjar
Director of Gnotobiotics FacilityCenter for Microbiome and Human HealthLerner Research Institute, Cleveland ClinicEmail:
Ann Harris, PhD
Vice Chair of ResearchDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineMemberCancer Genomics and Epigenomics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6651
Craig Hodges, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicineDirectorCystic Fibrosis Mouse Models CoreSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0008
Thomas Kelley, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineAssociate ProfessorDepartment of PharmacologySchool of MedicineDirectorEpithelial Cell CoreEmail:
Phone: 216.368.0831
Michael W. Konstan, MD
Gertrude Lee Chandler Tucker Professor of PediatricsDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicineVice Chair for Clinical ResearchDepartment of PediatricsDivision of PulmonologyAllergy and ImmunologySchool of MedicineVice Dean for Translational ResearchSchool of MedicinePrincipal InvestigatorClinical and Translational Science CollaborativeSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3731
Katherine Kutney
Assistant ProfessorPediatric EndocrinologySchool of MedicineEmail:
Shih-Hsing Leir, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6418
Hua Lou, PhD
Associate ProfessorDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216. 368.6419
Kimberly A. McBennett, MD, PhD
Interim Chief Health OfficerDirector Clinical Medicine and Quality ImprovementUniversity Health and Counseling ServicesAssociate ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsAssociate ProfessorDepartment of MedicineClinical Associate DirectorMedical Scientist Training ProgramEmail:
Phone: 216.368.2450
Aura Perez
Assistant ProfessorSchool of MedicineResearch ScientistDrumm LabDepartment of Genetics and Genome SciencesSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.6894
Erica A. Roesch, MD
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.844.2367
Senthilkumar Sankararaman
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of PediatricsSchool of MedicinePediatricianPediatric GastroenterologyUH Rainbow Babies and Children's HospitalEmail:
Phone: 440.623.7739
Xin Yu, ScD
ProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Physiology and BiophysicsSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of RadiologySchool of MedicineEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3918