Full-time students can complete the 30-credit hour master's degree in two years. The program can also be completed on a part-time basis on a schedule that works for you!
The required core courses provide the foundational elements of RGME, including; stem-cell biology, biomaterial engineering, medical product development, federal regulations, bioethics, and how to take a discovery to market.
In addition, students select an independent study in either hands-on laboratory research or an industry internship. Various science, law, and business development electives, paired with seminars and career development opportunities, round out your tailored experience. In lieu of a thesis, students create public presentations and written scientific projects throughout the program.
15 Required Foundational Credits- All foundational credit courses are 3 credit hours
RGME 535: Foundations in Regenerative Medicine
A team-taught course using multiple faculty content experts. The objective of this course is for each student to develop a general understanding of the foundations and concepts related to Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell research.
*Offered Fall Semester only
RGME 545: Stem Cell Product Biology, Bench to Bedside Development and Therapeutic Translation
A team-taught course using multiple faculty content experts. In this course, each student will learn to understand the concept of stem cell biology from procurement to therapeutic development. This course will provides techniques to support cell and regenerative medicine product manufacturing.
*Offered Spring Semester only
BIOL 491: Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation
This is the first half of a two-semester sequence providing an understanding of biology as a basis for successfully launching new high-tech ventures. The course will examine physical limitations to present technologies and the use of biology to identify potential opportunities for new venture creation. additionally, students will experience using biology in both identification of incremental improvements and as the basis for alternative technologies.
BIOL 492: Contemporary Biology and Biotechnology for Innovation
A continuation of BIOL 491-- with an emphasis on current and prospective opportunities for Biotechnology Entrepreneurship. The course covers emerging areas including (but not limited to) applications of DNA sequence information in medicine and agriculture; energy and the environment; biologically-inspired robots. Recommended preparation: BIOL 491 or consent of department.
RGME 467: Commercialization and Intellectual Property Management
An interdisciplinary course covers a variety of topics, including principles of intellectual property and intellectual property management, business strategies and modeling relevant to the creation of start-up companies and exploitation of IP rights as they relate to biomedical-related inventions. The course addresses issues relating to the commercialization of biomedical-related inventions by exposing students to the challenges and opportunities encountered when attempting to develop biomedical intellectual property; from the point of early discovery to the clinic and market.
3 Required Independent Study Credits- All foundational credit courses are 3 credit hours
RGME 560: Independent Study-Research Project
Allows students to explore a topic of interest under the close supervision of a RGME program director and mentor. The course may include directed readings, applied work, assisting a faculty member with a research project, carrying out an independent research project, or other activities deemed appropriate. Regardless of the activities, the work must culminate in a formal paper. The specific course requirements are described in the Independent Studies Proposal form to be completed by the student, project mentor and program director prior to enrollment in the course.
*Offered fall, spring, and summer semester
RGME 565: Independent Study-Industry Internship
Provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience within an industry environment. Course objectives are: -Acquire knowledge of the industry sector in which the internship is completed. -Translate knowledge and skills learned in the classroom into a work environment. -Explore additional career options available with the designated industry sector. -Identify areas for future knowledge and skill development.
*Offered fall, spring, and summer semester
RGME 547: Gene Therapy and Concepts in Regenerative Medicine
Focuses on the principles of gene therapy for disease treatment or drug delivery. Technical aspects associated with the development of the therapeutic approach will be covered along with the concepts related to the legal, ethical, economic, religious, and philosophical consequences of implementing gene-editing technologies for common and rare (often childhood) diseases. The “agora” will define ethical considerations of risk/benefit, informed consent, priority therapy targets, optimal technologies and delivery, costs, FDA regulation, and desired outcomes across disciplines.
RGME 549: Advanced Regenerative Medicine- Innovation and Applications
A literature-based class. Students will learn how to critically review the regenerative medicine literature and will be given specific articles to present. The students will also learn how to compare articles in terms of diverse outcomes to understand the concepts of critical learning. The review of regenerative medicine literature culminates with presentations by students-- ensuring they learn how to interpret literature critically.
RGME 525 (2 credit hours): Current Topics in Regenerative Medicine
Current Topics in Regenerative Medicine, will be an elective course in the newly approved Master's Program in Regenerative Medicine and Entrepreneurship. The objective of this course is for each student to develop a general understanding of concepts and current topics related to Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cell research, entrepreneurship and product development. -To expose students to principles in Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering relevant to the field -To review the current landscape and spectrum of topics which makes up the field of regenerative medicine -To explore current and emerging technologies supporting regenerative medicine research -To discuss federal regulatory and compliance issues related to clinical research and the development of therapeutics -To explore cellular manufacturing approaches for regenerative medicine products -Discuss ethical and societal issues related to regenerative medicine research and technologies
Students must complete 6 credit hours of combined science electives
BIOL 362/462 (3 credit hours): Principles of Developmental Biology
The descriptive and experimental aspects of animal development. Gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage, morphogenesis, induction, differentiation, organogenesis, growth, and regeneration. Students taking the graduate-level course will prepare an NIH-format research proposal as the required term paper. Offered as BIOL 362, BIOL 462 and ANAT 462.
CLBY 435 (1 credit hour): Seminar in Molecular Biology/Microbiology
Graduate students will attend the departmental seminar given by all graduate students in the Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology, in the Molecular Virology Program, and in the Cell Biology Program, as well as give a seminar on their own thesis research. Students will be evaluated by the faculty member in charge of that student's seminar with input from the students' own thesis committee. After each seminar, the student presenter will meet with other graduate students for peer-review of the content, delivery, and style of the seminar. Peer reviewers will also be evaluated for the quality of their input. Offered as CLBY 435 and MBIO 435 and MVIR 435.
CLBY 450 (1 credit hour): Cells and Pathogens
This course will also explore numerous mechanisms utilized by pathogens to subvert the host and enhance their own survival. Topics covered include nuclear regulatory mechanisms, protein synthesis and stability, membrane-bound organelles, endocytosis and phagocytosis, and factors that influence cell behavior such as cytoskeleton rearrangements, cell-cell interactions, and cell migration. Additional topics include cell signaling and co-evolution of pathogens and host cell functions. Students are expected to come to class prepared to discuss pre-assigned readings consisting of brief reviews and seminal papers from the literature. Student assessment will be based on effective class participation (approximately 80%) and successful presentation of an independent research topic (approximately 20%).
CLBY 525 (3 credit hours): Neurodegenerative Diseases of the Brain and the Eye: Molecular Basis of the Brain-Eye Connection
This is a graduate-level seminar course that familiarizes students with common neurodegenerative conditions of the brain and the eye. The molecular basis of each disorder and associated ophthalmic pathology will be emphasized. Contribution of heavy metals in brain and ocular pathology will be discussed where appropriate. Specific examples include Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, prion disorders, Huntington's Disease, age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and others based on popular demand. The students will be expected to discuss relevant research publications in class in an interactive format. Grading will be based on class participation and completion of an R21 grant proposal. Concurrent enrollment in PATH 526 on grant writing skills is strongly recommended but not required.
CRSP 412 (1 credit hour): Communication in Clinical Research - Grant Writing
Written communication is a critical skill in clinical science. We disseminate our work to others through publications, and we obtain the resources to conduct research through grant proposals. This course has been developed for Kl2 and CRSP scholars. The course focuses on writing grant proposals and, in particular, specific sections of an NIH-style grant. However, the principles discussed in the course apply to any type of proposal.
Students must complete 6 credit hours of combined science electives
EBME 406 (3 credit hours): Polymers in Medicine
This course covers the important fundamentals and applications of polymers in medicine, and consists of three major components: (i) the blood and soft-tissue reactions to polymer implants; (ii) the structure, characterization and modification of biomedical polymers; and (iii) the application of polymers in a broad range of cardiovascular and extravascular devices. The chemical and physical characteristics of biomedical polymers and the properties required to meet the needs of the intended biological function will be presented. Clinical evaluation, including recent advances and current problems associated with different polymer implants.
EBME 411 (3 credit hours): Underpinnings of the Extracellular Matrix
This class presents the fundamentals of collagenous tissues in a combined lecture/seminar format. Details at the molecular, fibrillar and whole tissue levels are presented. Applications ranging from how to obtain collagen molecules, to synthesizing gels for use in tissue engineering, to design and creation of collagen based materials for replacement and/or augmentation of several tissues are presented. A series of guest lectures by researchers currently using and/or developing collagen based materials are presented. Throughout the course, students choose articles of interest, present them to the class, and participate in discussions surrounding these presentations. The course concludes with a series of in-class presentations by the students who pick a specific application of interest to them and then demonstrate how the fundamentals presented in the first portion of the class play out in their application. While not required, it is recommended that students have an undergraduate course in biomaterials, two semesters of undergraduate biology, and organic chemistry.
EBME 426 (3 credit hours): Nanomedicine
Principles of the design and application of nanomedicine, including nanosized drug delivery systems, protein delivery systems, gene delivery systems and imaging probes. Methods for bioconjugation and surface modifications. Structure property relationships of nanosized biomaterials. In vivo and intracellular transport, pharmacokinetics, biodistribution, drug release kinetics, and biocompatibility of various nanosized therapeutics and diagnostics. Theranostics, image-guided drug delivery and therapy.
EBME 440 (3 credit hours): Translational Research for Biomedical Engineers
Translational Research (TR) in the Biomedical Engineering context means translating laboratory discoveries or developments into improved health care. Topics and activities include: Interdisciplinary teamwork and communication; Research ethics and human subjects protection; Regulation and oversight of human subjects and animal research; Clinical validation study design and biostatistics; Intellectual property, technology transfer and commercialization; Physician shadowing; Attending Grand Rounds and Morbidity-Mortality conferences; Preparing IRB and IACUC protocols; Final integrative project.
EBME 451 (3 credit hours): Molecular and Cellular Physiology
This course covers cellular and molecular basics for graduate students with little or no prior biology background. The emphasis of EBME 451 is on the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying physiological processes. Structure-function relationship will be addressed throughout the course. The primary goal of the course is to develop understanding of the principles of the physiological processes at molecular and cellular level and to promote independent thinking and ability to solve unfamiliar problems. This course is no longer a core course of the Biomedical Engineering graduate curriculum but serves as a fundamentals course to prepare students for the graduate cellular and molecular physiology core.
EBME 473 (3 credit hours): Fundamentals of Clinical Information Systems
Technology has played a significant role in the evolution of medical science and treatment. While we often think about progress in terms of the practical application of, say, imaging to the diagnosis and monitoring of disease, technology is increasingly expected to improve the organization and delivery of healthcare services, too. Information technology plays a key role in the transformation of administrative support systems (finance and administration), clinical information systems (information to support patient care), and decision support systems (managerial decision-making). This introductory graduate course provides the student with the opportunity to gain insight and situational experience with clinical information systems (CIS). Often considered synonymous with electronic medical records, the "art" of CIS more fundamentally examines the effective use of data and information technology to assist in the migration away from paper-based systems and improve organizational performance. In this course we examine clinical information systems in the context of (A) operational and strategic information needs, (B) information technology and analytic tools for workflow design, and (C) subsequent implementation of clinical information systems in patient care. Legal and ethical issues are explored. The student learns the process of "plan, design, implement" through hands-on applications to select CIS problems, while at the same time gaining insights and understanding of the impacts placed on patients and health care providers. Offered as EBME 473, IIME 473 and SYBB 421.
Students must complete 6 credit hours of combined science electives
PATH 416 (3 credit hours): Fundamental Immunology
Introductory immunology providing an overview of the immune system, including activation, effector mechanisms, and regulation. Topics include antigen-antibody reactions, immunologically important cell surface receptors, cell-cell interactions, cell-mediated immunity, innate versus adaptive immunity, cytokines, and basic molecular biology and signal transduction in B and T lymphocytes, and immunopathology. Three weekly lectures emphasize experimental findings leading to the concepts of modern immunology. An additional recitation hour is required to integrate the core material with experimental data and known immune mediated diseases. Five mandatory 90 minute group problem sets per semester will be administered outside of lecture and recitation meeting times. Graduate students will be graded separately from undergraduates, and 22 percent of the grade will be based on a critical analysis of a recently published, landmark scientific article. Offered as BIOL 316, BIOL 416, CLBY 416, PATH 316 and PATH 416.
PATH 417 (3 credit hours): Cytokines: Function, Structure, and Signaling
Regulation of immune responses and differentiation of leukocytes is modulated by proteins (cytokines) secreted and/or expressed by both immune and non-immune cells. Course examines the function, expression, gene organization, structure, receptors, and intracellular signaling of cytokines. Topic include regulatory and inflammatory cytokines, colony stimulating factors, chemokines, cytokine and cytokine receptor gene families, intracellular signaling through STAT proteins and tyrosine phosphorylation, clinical potential, and genetic defects. Lecture format using texts, scientific reviews and research articles.
PATH 422 (3 credit hours): Current Topics in Cancer
The concept of cancer hallmarks has provided a useful guiding principle in our understanding of the complexity of cancer. The hallmarks include sustaining proliferative signaling, evading growth suppressors, enabling replicative immortality, activating invasion and metastasis, inducing angiogenesis, resisting cell death, deregulating cellular energetics, avoiding immune destruction, tumor-promoting inflammation, and genome instability and mutation. The objectives of this course are to (1) examine the principles of some of these hallmarks, and (2) explore potential therapies developed based on these hallmarks of cancer. This is a student-driven and discussion-based graduate course. Students should have had some background on the related subjects and have read scientific papers in their prior coursework. Students will be called on to present and discuss experimental design, data and conclusions from assigned publications. There will be no exams or comprehensive papers but students will submit a one-page critique (strengths and weaknesses) of one of the assigned papers prior to each class meeting. The course will end with a full-day student-run symposium on topics to be decided jointly by students and the course director. Grades will be based on class participation, written critiques, and symposium presentations. Offered as BIOC 420, MBIO 420, PATH 422, and PHRM 420.
PHRM 401 (3 credit hours): Principles of Pharmacology
This core course focuses on the chemical and biochemical properties of therapeutic agents and molecular mechanisms of therapeutic action, including kinetic and thermodynamic principles of enzyme catalysis and drug-receptor interactions. Moreover, emphasis is placed on fundamental principles of pharmacokinetics, including the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs. Mathematical concepts needed to understand appropriate administration of drugs and maintaining therapeutic concentrations of drugs in the body are discussed. A second broad area of emphasis is on fundamental principles of pharmacodynamics, including drug-receptor theory, log dose-response relationships, therapeutic index, receptor turnover, and signal transduction mechanisms. The primary learning objective is to develop a self-directed, critical approach to the evaluation and design of experimental research in the broad context of receptor interactions with endogenous ligands and therapeutic agents in the context of disease models. This is a team-coordinated course involving session organized by faculty to facilitate student-directed learning experiences including discussion of study questions, problem solving applications, and primary literature presentations. A two-part laboratory exercise introduces experimental methodologies widely applied during the study of molecular interactions between therapeutic agents and receptor targets to reinforce fundamental principles of drug action. This 3-credit hour course meets 3 hr per week during the spring semester of year 1.
PHRM 511 (1 credit hour): Pharmacology Seminar Series
Current topics of interest in the pharmacologist sciences.
PHRM 520 (3 credit hours): The Cellular and Molecular Hallmarks of Cancer
This course is a comprehensive overview of cancer biology led by faculty content experts. The objective of this course is for students to gain an understanding of the complex properties that define cancer through team-based learning, critical reading of literature, and an introduction to grant writing for future NIH grant submissions. Specific goals include: - To review current concepts and hallmarks of cancer as defined by Dr. Robert Weinberg's The Biology of Cancer, 2nd edition (suggested reading). - To learn tools and approaches to critically read and review cancer biology literature. - To understand the NIH scoring system and use this to develop preliminary grant proposal ideas regarding cancer hallmarks. - To gain experience in presenting scientific ideas, and leading group discussions on topics related to cancer biology. - To discuss ethical and societal issues related to emerging technologies in cancer research. Offered as PHRM 520 and PATH 520.
PHRM 521 (1 credit hour): Special Topics in Cancer Biology and Clinical Oncology
This one credit hour course in Cancer Biology is intended to give students an opportunity to do independent literature research while enrolled in PHRM 520/PATH 520. Students must attend weekly Hematology/Oncology seminar series and write a brief summary of each of the lectures attended. In addition, students must select one of the seminar topics to write a term paper which fully reviews the background related to the topic and scientific and clinical advances in that field. This term paper must also focus of Clinical Oncology, have a translational research component, and integrate with concepts learned in PHRM 520/PATH 520. Pharmacology students must provide a strong discussion on Therapeutics, while Pathology students must provide a strong component on Pathophysiology of the disease. Recommended preparation: CBIO 453 and CBIO 455, or concurrent enrollment in PHRM 520 or PATH 520. Offered as PATH 521 and PHRM 521.
PHRM 525 (3 credit hours): Topics in Cell and Molecular Pharmacology
Individual library research project under the guidance of a pharmacology sponsor. Projects will reflect the research interest of the faculty sponsor, including molecular endocrinology, neuropharmacology, receptor activation and signal transduction, molecular mechanisms of enzyme action and metabolic regulation.
RGME 549 (3 credit hours): Advanced Regenerative Medicine: Innovation and Application
This course is a literature based class. The review of regenerative medicine literature with presentations by students so that they learn how to interpret literature critically
Students must complete a total of 6 credit hours of additional electives outside of the RGME core and science electives.
EPOM 400 (3 credit hours): Leadership and Interpersonal Skills
This course is designed as an experience based process to increase understanding of Communication, Emotional Intelligence and behavioral based communication needs in the work environment. To increase understanding, students will learn to recognize, manage and leverage these in business relationships as well as in team and group processes to develop effective Leadership style. Students will work in teams to examine the topics from the perspective of team members and leaders and will formulate strategies to reach desired goals or outcomes.
EPOM 403 (3 credit hours): Product and Process Design and Implementation
The course is taught through a series of lectures, class discussions, group projects and case studies. The course aim is to provide a solid understanding of the many aspects of the engineering design process and the management of technology. The course focuses on the engineering and management activities used to develop and bring to market new products and processes. The first part of the course focuses on the techniques used to develop new ideas, the second part focuses on the management of technology and innovation. Recommended preparation: EPOM 401.
EPOM 410 (3 credit hours): Intellectual Property Management and Opportunity Assessment
The goal of this course is to address issues relating to the commercialization of scientific inventions by exposing graduate students to the challenges and opportunities encountered when attempting to develop meaningful intellectual property from the point of early discovery to the clinic and market. Specifically, this course seeks to provide students with the ability to value a given technological advance or invention holistically, focusing on issues that extend beyond scientific efficacy and include patient and practitioner value propositions, legal and intellectual property protection, business modeling, potential market impacts, market competition, and ethical, social, and healthcare practitioner acceptance. These issues transcend disciplinary boundaries, requiring the integration of expertise in the fields of law, business, and biomedical research disciplines. For instance, comprehending the intricacies involved in the evolution of an upstream product from the lab to the marketplace requires an understanding of intellectual property management, namely the identification of optimal appropriability mechanisms, constructing an intellectual property portfolio (e.g., patents, trademarks, and trade secrets), and leveraging this portfolio in a competitive fashion. An emphasis of this course is to help students understand that intellectual property strategy is business strategy, and that IP is a strategic business asset that can be leveraged to create value and intellectual asset formation in the marketplace.
EPOM 412 (3 credit hours): Technology Transfer and Collaboration
The overall goal of this course is to address the process of technology transfer. The course will build on an understanding of IP Management and Commercialization activities that follow a new discovery, and examine specific approaches to commercializing technology through the process of technology transfer both in the context of academic research and industry research and development. An overview of the drivers governing relevant industry standards will be discussed, along with specific tools that include sponsored research, licensing, and startup formation. The course will include hands-on assessments of two case studies that present applications of law and policy in the context of collaborative technology development, where each student team will provide a critique and overview of how they would handle the circumstances of the given case.
RGME 529 (1 - 3 credit hours): FDA Regulation in Entrepreneurship and Clinical Research
The FDA Regulation in Entrepreneurship and Clinical Research course is designed to provide foundational knowledge in the FDA approval and regulatory process while highlighting scientific, clinical, ethical, and other related emergent factors for consideration. The course includes a series of lecture-based classes delivered by content experts and interdisciplinary team-based learning discussions of case studies designed for the application of lecture content. Students who elect to take the course for three credits as opposed to one credit will go through the process of reviewing an example Investigational New Drug (IND) or Investigational Drug Exemption (IDE) Application (midterm project) and preparing an IND or IDE for submission (final project) with the guidance of nationally renowned experts in FDA regulation and law. The primary goal of this course is that upon completion, students will be able to take the knowledge gained from content experts and apply it to facilitate the movement of their current or future technologies through the FDA approval process. Offered as CRSP 529 and MGRD 529 and PHRM 529 and RGME 529.
Students must complete a total of 6 credit hours of additional electives outside of the RGME core and science electives.
BAFI 444 (ENTP 440) (3 credit hours): Entrepreneurial Finance
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the issues of financial management and capital formation in new ventures. The course will address issues of estimation of cash requirements, development of pro forma financial plans, firm valuation and the process and tools used in raising debt and equity financing. Bootstrapping, angel investing, venture capital, strategic alliances and initial public offerings will be covered. The emphasis is on the entrepreneur and how he/she can assess financial needs and develop a sensible plan for acquiring financial resources in a manner that is consistent with their financial needs and other strategic goals. Offered as BAFI 444 and FNCE 444.
Prereq or Coreq: BAFI 420, MBAC 504, MBAP 405, MSFI 401 or MEM students.
HSMC 404 (3 credit hours): Managing People and Organizations
Examines the behavioral sciences relevant to the effective management of people and the effective design of human resources system, structure and policies. Topics include leadership, change management, motivation and pay systems, team dynamics, staffing, decision making, organizational communications, employee participation, performance appraisal, conflict management, negotiation, work design, organizational design, and organizations culture. A variety of methods, including experiential and interactive learning methods, are used to study these topics.
IIME 450 (3 credit hours): Engineering Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is an area of importance to business leaders, educators, politicians, and individual members of the society. It is a driver of economic development and wealth creation in organizational units ranging in size from the individual company to entire nations. Technology-based entrepreneurship is particularly important to economic development due to its impact on productivity (innovations in action) and its potential for exponential growth. This course will emphasize and explore a variety of issues related to innovation and entrepreneurship, demonstrating that there are not many "absolute truths," but there are numerous best practices. Successful students will conclude this course with new knowledge about opportunity analysis and insight on entrepreneurship & innovation, as well as having demonstrated measurable improvement in their critical thinking skills. This course is one-semester version of a course taught alternatively as a two-semester course. Recent growth in CWRU curricula centered on entrepreneurship and related subjects enables students to specialize in, say, wealth creation, leadership, and finance topics once included under the broader two-semester umbrella. The current Fall version of the course culminates with student projects and presentations on opportunity analysis.
IIME 472 (3 credit hours): BioDesign
Medical device innovations that would have been considered science fiction a decade ago are already producing new standards of patient care. Innovation leading to lower cost of care, minimally invasive procedures and shorter recovery times is equally important to healthcare business leaders, educators, clinicians, and policy-makers. Innovation is a driver of regional economic development and wealth creation in organizational units ranging in size from the start-up to the Fortune 500 companies. In a broader context, the pace of translational research leading to product and service innovation is highly interdisciplinary, thus, new products and services result from team efforts, marked by a systematic, structured approach to bringing new medical technologies to market and impacting patient care. In this course we examine medical technology innovations in the context of (A) addressing unmet clinical needs, (B) the process of inventing new medical devices and instruments, and (C) subsequent implementation of these advances in patient care. In short, the student learns the process of "identify, invent, implement" in the field of BioDesign. Offered as EBME 472, IIME 472 and SYBB 472.
OPMT 420 (3 credit hours): Experiential Learning with Six Sigma Green Belt
The Six Sigma process is the standard for quality improvement in organizations around the globe. In this course, we study the details of the five steps in the Six Sigma process: DEFINE, MEASURE, ANALYZE, IMPROVE, and CONTROL (DMAIC). Many tools, concepts, and processes that are often an integral part of Six Sigma projects in companies are included in the course content. They range from the very basic tools of quality (such as cause-and-effect diagrams for brainstorming) to complete processes (such as benchmarking, quality function deployment, failure mode and effects analysis-FMEA). Statistical concepts with software applications that are central to Six Sigma including statistical process control and introduction to design of experiments are also included. Once the Six Sigma process and its various components are understood, we study quality management including quality control, quality planning, quality improvement, strategic quality management, and quality strategy. A major requirement of the course is an action learning component in which the students are assigned in groups to work on unpaid real projects of Six Sigma in local industries. Students meeting the required standards of performance will earn a Green Belt Certification in Six Sigma and Quality Management from the Weatherhead School of Management. Offered as OPMT 420 and SCMG 420.
ORBY 403 (3 credit hours): Developing Interpersonal Skills for Managers
This course is intended to sharpen students' skills in the art of relating successfully to other individuals and groups. The course uses an intensive group experience to make students more aware of how their actions affect others, more capable of giving and receiving interpersonal feedback, and more cognizant of processes through which groups work. Several Saturday classes.
ORBH 430 (3 credit hours): Quantum Leadership: Creating Value for You, Business, and the World
This course is designed to help you develop your leadership skills and capabilities aimed at flourishing, defined as "to grow well, to prosper, to thrive, to live life to the fullest." It emphasizes the growing desire by people everywhere for greater purpose and well-being through practices that cultivate the self. The goal is changing who leaders are being, not only what they are doing, through daily practices that increase their awareness of how their actions impact others and the world. Through the course, students will learn mindfulness-type practices in an action learning process that allows them to experience a greater connection to self, others, and nature. Recent research shows that such direct-intuitive practices support personal well-being, team collaboration, and organizational resilience as part of an upward spiral in leadership effectiveness and life satisfaction. The most exciting aspect of this class is encouraging students to see themselves as positive change agents, with the ability to make a positive impact on the world through living their most fulfilling and flourishing selves. Offered as ORBH 330 and ORBH 430.
Students must complete a total of 6 credit hours of additional electives outside of the RGME core and science electives.
LAWS 4302 (3 credit hours): Patent Law
Basic concepts of patent law as property considered primarily in its substantive aspects, including the relationship to other forms of protection and intellectual property, infringement, and statutory requirements for patents.
LAWS 4311 (3 credit hours): Patent Preparation and Prosecution 1
Patent preparation, drafting, and filing of a patent application are the fundamental aspects of patent practice. Students will learn how to conduct a client-inventor interview, what questions to ask the client-inventor and what information is most important to obtain prior to commencing the patent drafting process. Technical aspects of patentability searching will also be explored. In addition, the student will learn the various parts of the patent application and best practices associated with drafting each part. Before the drafting takes place, the class will cover relevant case law. Also, nonlegal, practical aspects such as organization, various grammatical concerns, and other concepts related to patent drafting will be covered. Ultimately, students will take the information provided in the class and draft an actual patent application based upon a simple hypothetical invention. Emphasis will be placed on specification drafting and claim drafting, and how to claim around prior art. Prereq or coreq: LAWS 4302.
LAWS 4312 (2 credit hours): Patent Preparation and Prosecution
The course builds on Patent Preparation and Prosecution 1 (LAWS 4311) and will focus on aspects of patent prosecution post-filing. In particular, students will learn how to respond to an Office Action rejecting the patent application as is typically encountered during the practice before the US Patent and Trademark Office. The student's response will take the form of an Amendment that will reflect changes made to the claims and arguments relating to patentability. The course will also cover the appeals process. Prereq: LAWS 4311.
LAWS 5366 (2 credit hours): Venture Finance & Transactions
This course is designed to provide law students with the fundamentals of creating, offering and closing a technology venture transaction. In each case, the goal is to imbue students with both the legal and compliance requirements of the given strategic scenario, as well as the business and technical drivers behind the transaction.
LAWS 5415 (3 credit hours): Bankruptcy
An introduction to bankruptcy law, with emphasis on the current Federal Bankruptcy Code. The course includes Chapter 7 (liquidation bankruptcy proceedings), Chapter 11 (business reorganizations), and Chapter 13 (simplified reorganizations for individuals and sole proprietorships). Also considered are various state law debtor-creditor remedies and the impact of bankruptcy on such remedies. Prior enrollment in the UCC and debtor-creditor courses may be helpful but is not mandatory.
RGME 467 (3 Credits): Commercialization and Intellectual Property Management
This interdisciplinary course covers a variety of topics, including principles of intellectual property and intellectual property management, business strategies and modeling relevant to the creation of start-up companies and exploitation of IP rights as they relate to biomedical-related inventions. The goal of this course is to address issues relating to the commercialization of biomedical-related inventions by exposing law students, MBA students, and Ph.D. candidates (in genetics and proteomics) to the challenges and opportunities encountered when attempting to develop biomedical intellectual property from the point of early discovery to the clinic and market. Specifically, this course seeks to provide students with the ability to value a given technological advance or invention holistically, focusing on issues that extend beyond scientific efficacy and include patient and practitioner value propositions, legal and intellectual property protection, business modeling, potential market impacts, market competition, and ethical, social, and healthcare practitioner acceptance. During this course, law students, MBA students, and Ph.D. candidates in genomics and proteomics will work in teams of five (two laws students, two MBA students and one Ph.D. candidate), focusing on issues of commercialization and IP management of biomedical-related inventions. The instructors will be drawn from the law school, business school, and technology-transfer office. Please visit the following website for more information: fusioninnovate.com. Offered as EBME 467, ECSE 467, GENE 367, GENE 467, LAWS 5341, MGMT 467, and RGME 467.
RGME 468 (3 credit hours): Commercialization and Intellectual Property Management II
This course will concentrate on early-stage product development, with a focus on conventional approaches to venture financing, regulatory positioning and navigation, corporate licensing/partnering, and investment pitch methodologies. The content of the course will include specific innovations vetted by CWRU Technology Transfer and facilitation by the product Principal Investigator The course will culminate in a presentation for financing to a panel of investors, clinical thought leaders and/or economic development professionals; in a simple sense, students will learn how to position a qualified opportunity for early-stage development and financing towards ultimate clinical and market introduction.