
Serving as a hub for RNA researchers across the Cleveland biomedical research community.

We strive to create a vibrant and inclusive community of RNA researchers at all training levels to tackle some of the most pressing questions in RNA biology.  By organizing formal and informal seminars/journal clubs, an annual inter-departmental retreat, and related social events, we bring together RNA researchers from diverse fields to share their findings and facilitate cross-disciplinary collaborations.

Preparing trainees with the education and resources to become successful leaders in the field.

The expertise within the labs of the RNA Center provides a unique opportunity to create educational initiatives at the forefront of RNA science. Through formal courses, practical lab workshops, and coding boot camps, we provide students and researchers with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct leading-edge RNA research. Our teaching programs are inclusive and accessible to students and researchers from diverse backgrounds and levels, from undergraduates to faculty.

Providing advanced RNA profiling methods for local RNA researchers and beyond.

Our one-of-a-kind Advanced RNA Profiling Core can implement and innovate advanced RNA methods at a fraction of the time required for individual labs to bring such methods online. The RNA core provides deep expertise in state-of-the-art technologies for RNA analysis, manipulation, and sequencing, and our team of expert scientists is dedicated to providing cutting-edge services, training, and support to researchers across the university and beyond. The RNA core serves as a collaboration engine fostering innovative RNA research projects that traverse the entire research spectrum, from basic studies to translational and therapeutic applications.