
RNA Sign

Advanced RNA Profiling Core: The Advanced RNA Profiling Core performs cutting-edge, sequencing-based, transcriptomic profiling techniques. Whether it's ribosome profiling, CLIPseq, 3’end transcript mapping, or other innovative approaches, we offer these services both as comprehensive solutions and flexible a la carte options. Seamlessly integrated with the Genomics Core for sequencing, our facility extends practical guidance across various RNA-related methods, ensuring comprehensive support for your research.

Genomics Core: The Genomics Core offers a comprehensive suite of high throughput sequencing, genotyping, and Sanger sequencing services, designed to meet the varied needs of researchers. Equipped with cutting-edge instruments including Illumina NovaSeq, NextSeq, and MiSeq platforms, we simplify the intricacies of Next Generation sequencing, from project conception to insightful data analysis.

Applied Functional Genomics Core: Collaborate with the Applied Functional Genomics Core (AFGC) in tandem with the CWRU Genomics Core to unlock deeper functional genomics insights. Navigate challenging sample types with ease, including low-input samples, single-cell RNA sequencing and advanced spatial transcriptome profiling. Our advanced analytical tools reveal pathways, networks, and correlations, offering a holistic perspective on complex biological systems.