Ramona David

The Institute for Management and Engineering
Case School of Engineering

Ramona manages the admissions and onboarding for newly admitted Masters of Engineering and Management (MEM) students, which includes preparing and sending admission decision letters, ensuring required documents are sent to Graduate Students and International Services, and providing students with updates on housing, financial aid, course registration and orientation. She also sets the schedule for the MEM program, processes and uploads documents to the School of Graduate Studies, and drafts the Memo of Assistance for all MEM students for the academic year.

Key Job Functions

  • Prepares and sends admissions letters
  • Provides updates and documentation to ensure timely enrollment
  • Organizes and promotes new student orientation
  • Assists MEM students in any questions or issues they have
  • Prepares graduation documents
  • WIth input from faculty, sets the program schedule for the academic year