Scholarships and need-based aid are two key ways to put your college education within reach. But there are other options that could fit your situation or interest.
The Army ROTC program is designed to prepare students for service as a commissioned Army officer in either the active duty U.S. Army or the reserve components of the Army Reserve or National Guard. Classes and practical training focus on military skills, officer professionalism, leadership training, and the development of military-related officer and management techniques and procedures.
Army ROTC is offered as part of a collaboration with John Carroll University with some of the first- and second-year courses ROTC classes being offered on the Case Western Reserve University campus. For those courses offered at Case Western Reserve (MLSC 101, MLSC 102, MLSC 201, and MLSC 202), students register in the ordinary way. For other Army ROTC classes, students enroll through cross-registration in the Department of Military Science at John Carroll University, which is approximately five miles from Case Western Reserve.
Those who are awarded the full, four-year ROTC scholarship will also be awarded a CWRU Scholarship that covers the standard room and board rate. For those who earn a partial scholarship, the standard room and board rate will be covered by a CWRU Scholarship, and they may also be eligible for additional scholarships and need-based financial aid.
Case Western Reserve students planning to register for Army ROTC courses at John Carroll University should consult with the Office of Undergraduate Studies for information regarding registration procedures.
Department of Military Science (ARMY-ROTC)
John Carroll University
University Heights, OH 44118-4581
Air Force ROTC
The Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC) program provided by Kent State University prepares students for service as officers in the United States Air Force. Through practical training and a range of courses, students acquire leadership and management skills and learn about Air Force career opportunities, the role of the military in American society, the history of air power and national defense policy.
An agreement between Case Western Reserve University and Kent State University allows full-time Case Western Reserve students to complete aerospace studies courses. Students cross-register for these courses through Cleveland State University, but the courses are held at Kent State University, which is approximately 35 miles from Case Western Reserve. Classes usually are scheduled on one or two afternoons during the week. This arrangement allows Case Western Reserve students to participate in either the four- or two-year AFROTC program. If you wish to enter the two-year program in your junior year, you must contact the professor of aerospace studies no later than February prior to the academic year of planned entry.
Those who are awarded the full, four-year ROTC scholarship will also be awarded a CWRU Scholarship that covers the standard room and board rate. For those who earn a partial scholarship, the standard room and board rate will be covered by a CWRU Scholarship, and they may also be eligible for additional scholarships and need-based financial aid.
Tuition Exchange Program
Case Western Reserve University is a member of The Tuition Exchange, a consortium of more than 600 private and public not-for-profit colleges and universities around the world that provide tuition assistance to dependents of individuals who work at participating schools.
Our financial aid website provides detailed information for “exports”—dependents of faculty/staff from Case Western Reserve interested in another institution—and for “imports”—dependents of faculty/staff from other Tuition Exchange member institutions looking to attend CWRU. For more information, visit the Tuition Exchange website or the admission, financial aid and human resources sections of participating institutions' websites.
Outside Scholarships
While need-based aid—including grants, loans and Federal College Work-Study Program options—and Case Western Reserve University’s automatic, competitive and community scholarships often significantly help our students, you may find additional financial resources at a number of outlets. We recommend talking to your guidance counselor and looking for verified funding options online.
Our policy for this additional funding is intended to allow students who are receiving need-based aid to realize the benefit of these scholarships. Outside scholarships first reduce self-help (loan and work) previously awarded. When you notify the Office of University Financial Aid of any outside funding, please indicate if you prefer to retain the maximum student loan and work available to you.
External Tuition benefits
Since Case Western Reserve University may have already met your full financial need (including grants, loans and work programs) the University’s policy of awarding financial aid to students who have an external tuition benefit is to incorporate the funding into their eligibility for need-based aid. In some cases, need-based grant may be reduced to accommodate this adjustment. Scholarship eligibility is retained as long as the combination of aid from all sources does not exceed a student’s cost of attendance for a particular academic year.