The Outcome Assessment Coordinating Committee consists of representatives from each of the schools and the College. This group meets to discuss ongoing assessment activities and planning as well as to share ideas and best practices. The members of the 2018-2019 university-wide committee are:
- Jaime Bouvier, Assistant Professor of Lawering Skills and Co-Director of the Academic Writing and Support Program (School of Law)
- Matthew Garrett, Associate Professor of Music Education, and Director of UCITE (UCITE)
- Jenny Hawkins, Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Integrated Studies, and Associate Professor (Weatherhead School of Management)
- Evren Gurkan Cavusoglu, Associate Dean of Academics (Case School of Engineering)
- Xiaomei Song, Director of Student Assessment and Associate Professor (School of Medicine)
- Mary Quinn Griffin, Assistant Provost of Outcome Assessment and Accreditation (Office of the Provost)
- Betty Napoleon, Institutional Researcher (Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing)
- Catherine Demko, Associate Professor of Dental Medicine (School of Dental Medicine)
- Rebecca Benard, Associate Dean for Curriculum and Special Projects (College of Arts and Sciences)
- Zoe Breen Wood, Associate Professor of Applied Social Sciences and Director of the Office of Educational Outcome Assessment (Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences)