- AAC&U assessment resources and VALUE rubrics
- ASSESS listserv (UKY)
- Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE)
- Best Practices in Learning Outcomes Assessment
- Developing Department Learning Outcomes (University of Iowa)
- Guiding Principles for Outcomes Assessment (University of Iowa)
- Institutional Plan for Assessing Student Learning (UW–Madison)
- National Institute for Learning Outcome Assessment (NILOA)
- Assessing your program-level assessment plan - IDEA Paper #45 (Susan Hatfield)
- Grading vs. assessment of learning outcomes: What's the difference? (Carnegie Mellon)
- How to construct a simple, sensible, useful departmental assessment process (B. E. Walvoord)
- What new faculty need to know about assessment (NILOA/Pat Hutchings)
- What new student affairs professionals need to know about assessment (NILOA/Marilee Bresciani)