Opportunity Grants FAQ

Please review the FAQs if you are interested in applying for ACES+ Opportunity Grants funding:

A. These grants are typically small, generally under $5,000. This allows us to fund several faculty members per year.

A. Proposals will be reviewed in January and awarded by March. Funds will normally be available for 1 year.

A. These grants are not bridging funds for grants to keep a project going, though they can be used to help get additional results to strengthen a resubmission. In that case, the applicant must submit the reviews from the original submission along with the proposal.

A. Faculty salary, student tuition, and overhead are not supported by this internal grant.

A. You should include a publication plan. If it is a paper book, you should include a book contract and explain why you need ACES funds in addition to an advance you may have received. If you do not have a publisher yet, then you should outline your plan to get a publisher. If it is an electronic book, you should outline a dissemination plan.

A. No, though you may apply for funding for unusual costs that start-up funds do not cover, for example, partial support for a postdoc to help with teaching duties after the birth of a child.

A. Yes, if there is no other source of funds. Before submitting a proposal for an Opportunity Grant, you should inquire about funding from your department and school/college and the meeting organizers.

A. No. A 2–4 page biographical sketch for an NSF or NIH proposal is preferable. However, all current sources and amounts of funding should be listed, including start-up funds and amounts available for your lab from multi-investigator grants.

A. All applicants will be notified of the decisions made by the Opportunity Grant Faculty Oversight Committee.  If your proposal is selected you will receive a Letter of Award, followed by an Internal Agreement. After you submit your signed Internal Agreement, your funds will be transferred into a sub-account assigned to your Opportunity Grant.