case western reserve university


exhibit title: Our Presidents

They were lawyers, ministers, doctors, engineers, physicists, mayors, missionaries, and bankers. They served presidential terms lasting from twelve months to thirty-one years. During their 250 combined years of service, over 100,000 degrees were conferred, nineteen schools were founded, an endowment of over $1 billlion was developed, and a campus of over 155 acres was built.

Our presidents faced the crises of the Civil War, Great Depression, two World Wars, 1960s student protests, and terrorist attacks of 9/11. They responded to the opportunities of government research funding, post-war enrollment surges, industrial and technological revolutions.

This exhibit celebrates the presidents of Western Reserve University, Case Institute of Technology, and Case Western Reserve University. Presidents, 1830-2007 is a list of presidents by time period.

The collage below represents presidents interacting with many university groups such as alumni, students, partners, friends, staff, and faculty.

President Ragone with alumni
President Thwing with trustees
President Millis with student   Presidents Leutner and Glennan
Students President Toepfer with staff

President Leutner with friends
President Howe with faculty

Clockwise from upper left, the images are: David Ragone receives gag gift at inauguration gala dinner, 11/1980; William Baldwin, Charles Thwing, Samuel Mather, and J.H. Wade; Winfred Leutner and T. Keith Glennan knock down campus fence, 1948; Louis A. Toepfer and Peter R. Musselman, 1980; Winfred Leutner breaking ground for the Karl E. Davis Memorial Building, 1946; Herbert C. Hale, Charles S. Howe, Dayton C. Miller, Class of '23 rock dedication, 6/1923; John S. Millis with football player John Vitone, 1954

The image in the the masthead depicts the Presidential Badge of Office. This Badge was a gift of John S. Millis, first CWRU Chancellor and last WRU President, on the occasion of the inauguration of first CWRU President, Robert W. Morse.