case western reserve university



Louis A. Toepfer Picture Gallery


Louis A. Toepfer, 1971

President Louis Toepfer awards the Curtis trophy to the winning Hudson Relay team, 1977

President Louis Toepfer waits to bat, 1974

Louis A. Toepfer and Fletcher Andrews, 1980

Louis A. Toepfer giving Lincoln's Day address at faculty/alumni luncheon, 12/12/1980

Louis A. Toepfer and Peter R. Musselman, 1980

Louis A. Toepfer dusting chandelier in Adelbert Hall, 1979?

Louis A. Toepfer, 197?

Louis A. Toepfer, 9/1971



Louis A. Toepfer presides over commencement convocation, 5/23/1980





Information was compiled by staff of the Case Western Reserve University Archives, March 2007.