Santosh Kumar Sirasapalli, MS

Research Scientist
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
School of Medicine

Currently, he is actively engaged in research (Data Analytics, ML, AI) with the Cardiovascular team at University Hospitals, an institution closely affiliated with Case Western Reserve University. With an educational background that spans the globe, he earned his Master's Degree in Health Informatics from Indiana University in the United States. His academic journey began with an undergraduate degree in Doctor of Pharmacy from Andhra University in India, followed by a comprehensive internship at Gleneagles Global Hospitals. Santosh's professional focus lies at the intersection of healthcare and cutting-edge technology. His primary research interests encompass the practical applications of Machine Learning and the analysis, visualization, and management of clinical data. Through his work, he strives to leverage data-driven insights to advance healthcare solutions and contribute to the field's ongoing innovation. With a strong foundation in both healthcare and informatics, Santosh Kumar Sirasapalli is poised to make a meaningful impact in the realm of cardiovascular medicine and beyond.