
Meet the leadership team of the Blood, Heart, Lung and Immunology Research Center at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals. 

Senior Leaders

  • Portrait of Stan Gerson in dark suit with light colored tie

    Stanton L. Gerson, MD

    School of Medicine
    Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs
    National Center for Regenerative Medicine
    Department of Medicine
    Department of Environmental Health Sciences
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: stanton.gerson@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.2825

  • Headshot of Daniel Simon

    Daniel I. Simon, MD

    School of Medicine
    President, Academic & External Affairs and Chief Scientific Officer
    Ernie and Patti Novak Distinguished Chair in Healthcare Leadership
    University Hospitals Health System

    Email: daniel.simon@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1145

  • Kenneth E. Remy

    Kenneth E. Remy, MD, FCCM

    Blood, Heart, Lung and Immunology Research Center
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    School of Medicine
    Director, Pulmonary and Critical Care Research
    Co-Director, Pediatric Critical Care Clinical, Basic & Translational Research Program
    Host Immune Response-Remy Laboratory
    The Ellery Sedgwick, Jr. Chair and Distinguished Scientist in Cardiovascular Research

    Email: kenneth.remy@case.edu

    Phone: 216.799.0195

  • Portrait of Yi Fritz

    Yi Fritz

    Executive Director
    Blood, Heart, Lung and Immunology Research Center
    School of Medicine

  • Image of Julian E. Stelzer

    Julian E. Stelzer, PhD

    Department of Physiology and Biophysics
    School of Medicine

    Email: julian.stelzer@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.8636

  • David Zidar

    David Zidar, MD, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Center for Global Health and Diseases
    School of Medicine

    Email: daz21@case.edu