
Become a Member

The Blood, Heart, Lung and Immunology Research Center membership allows you to engage experts, collaborate with colleagues, find funding and be eligible for pilot funding, and advance your research. We welcome applications from individuals affiliated with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), University Hospitals (UH), and the Wade Park VA Medical Center who have blood, heart, lung, and immunology related research interests. As noted, to be eligible for pilot funding from the center, you will need to be a member.

Membership Categories

Full Member

An independent faculty member with related research interests and a full-time appointment in a department at CWRU or UH who meets at least one of these criteria: 

  • Has independent peer-reviewed funding as PI or co-PI for center-related research
  • Leads a shared resource or has other leadership roles in the center
  • Shows continuous scholarly productivity in relevant publications and/or by leading externally funded cancer research projects

Full members are eligible for secondary appointment in the CWRU Type B Center through CWRU School of Medicine.

Associate Member 

An independent faculty member with related research interests and a full-time appointment in a department at CWRU or UH, including early-career faculty, who is eligible to apply for national peer-reviewed grants but are not PI or co-PI on any externally funded related research projects. 

Clinical Member 

An independent faculty member with related research interests and a full-time appointment in a department at CWRU or UH who enrolls patients in clinical trials but is not a PI.

Trainee or Laboratory Associate Member 

Students (graduate or medical), postdocs, residents, research technicians, and fellows affiliated with CWRU, UH, or WP VA who conduct related research. Trainee or Laboratory Associate Members are not independent faculty with their own research support.

Membership Privileges

  • Use of shared laboratory resources
  • Access to targeted funding opportunities including annual pilot awards.
  • Eligibility to apply for developmental funds
  • Eligibility for career development programs
  • Eligibility to apply for limited submission competitions
  • Eligibility to participate in planning for program development
  • Eligibility to participate in Center sponsored special events and retreats
  • Monthly evaluation by grant specialist for relevant grants
  • Maintenance of grant related documents in a central repository for future submissions
  • Scientific Editing services

Membership Renewal

To maintain membership, you can participate in and/or contribute to a CWRUCCC scientific program and provide annually updated NIH Biosketch and Other Support Document. CWRU CCC reviews memberships based on membership criteria. Associate members are reviewed tri-annually unless criteria for full membership is met earlier. 

Apply for Membership
Apply for Full, Associate, or Clinical Membership
Apply for Trainee or Laboratory Associate Membership

Contact with any questions about the membership process.