Training & Education

The Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine’s and University Hospital's Blood, Heart, Lung and Immunology (BHLI) Research Center offers an engaging training curriculum tailored to both postdoctoral and predoctoral fellows. The programs are combined with an integrated and multidisciplinary set of didactic seminars, journal clubs, and formal courses. These courses are selected by the trainee, in consultation with the mentor/program administrators to provide individualized education that empowers them to excel.


  • To provide extensive mentoring to the trainee for career development and for developing independent research plans that focus on the key themes of BHLI Research Center.
  • To promote training in basic cell and molecular biology, genomics, and bioinformatics together with clinical translational research.
  • To guide the trainees’ development so that, after the completion of training, successful competition for independent funding is likely.

Opportunities to support a medical student are available for all members. Support medical student research.