Fang Chen, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
School of Medicine
Visual Sciences Research Center
CWRU Center for Imaging Research

Dr. Fang Chen is passionate about using science to make a real difference in health and medicine. Her work focuses on developing and using biomaterials—ranging from tiny nanoparticles to larger-scale hydrogels—to improve therapies and tackle some of today’s toughest health challenges.

Dr. Chen’s journey in science started with a love for nanotechnology during her undergraduate studies. While pursuing her graduate degree at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, she developed a smart drug delivery system that could target tumors more effectively, minimizing side effects and improving the impact of chemotherapy. Inspired by the power of early diagnosis, Dr. Chen shifted focus during her Ph.D. at UC San Diego, working on using nanoparticles for live imaging of stem cells to track their movement and improve their therapeutic potential. Her creative approach included adding magnetism to these particles to guide stem cells to the right location using non-contact forces.

During postdoctoral research, Dr. Chen expanded into hydrogels—materials that mimic the body’s natural structures—to support wound healing and tissue repair. This led to exciting breakthroughs in corneal regeneration, including hydrogels that could speed up healing while preventing scarring. Combining nanoparticles and hydrogels is a key focus of Dr. Chen’s future work, as she explores their potential in drug delivery, tissue engineering, and wound healing.

Dr. Chen has shared her work widely throughout her career, with over 30 peer-reviewed publications, two book chapters, four patents, and dozens of conference presentations.

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Selected Publications

Chen F, Han Y, Wungcharoen T, Seo A, Le P, Jiang L, Kang NW, Song E, Jang K, Mundy D, Fernandes-Cunha G, Heilshorn S, Myung D. Bio-orthogonal crosslinking and hyaluronan facilitate transparent healing after treatment of deep corneal injuries with in situ-forming hydrogels. Npj Regenerative Medicine, Accepted. 2025.  

Chen F, Bian M, Nahmou M, Myung D, Goldberg JL. Fusogenic Liposome-Enhanced Cytosolic Delivery of Magnetic NanoparticlesRSC Advances. 2021, 11 (57), 35796-35805.

Chen F, Si P, De La Zerda A, Jokerst J, Myung D. Gold nanoparticles to enhance ophthalmic imagingBiomaterials Science. 2021, 9(2), 367-390.

Chen F, Le P, Fernandes-Cunha G, Heilshorn S, Myung D. Bio-orthogonally crosslinked, in situ-forming collagen-hyaluronate co-polymer for suture-free corneal defect repair. Biomaterials. 2020, 255, 120176.

Chen F, Zhao E, Hableel G, Hu T, Kim T, Li J, Gonzalez-Pech NI, Cheng DJ, Lemaster JE, Xie Y, Grassian V, Sen GL, Jokerst JV. Increasing the efficacy of stem cell therapy via triple-function inorganic nanoparticlesACS Nano. 2019, 13(6), 6605-6617.

Chen F, Ma M, Wang J, Wang F, Chern S, Zhao E, Jhunjhunwala A, Darmadi S, Chen H, Jokerst JV. Exosome-like silica nanoparticles: a novel ultrasound contrast agent for stem cell imagingNanoscale. 2017, 9(1), 402-411.

Chen F, Zhu Y. Chitosan enclosed mesoporous silica nanoparticles as drug nano-carriers: sensitive response to the narrow pH range. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2012, 150(1), 83-89.