
CWRU Center for Imaging Research (CCIR) members join an integrated hub for biomedical imaging research and translation that includes experts across many disciplines in and adjacent to imaging. CCIR provides opportunities to collaborate with colleagues across Cleveland’s medical ecosystem, find funding, and advance interdisciplinary research. 

We welcome applications from individuals affiliated with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), University Hospitals (UH), Cleveland Clinic (CCF), MetroHealth, and the Louis Stokes VA who are involved in imaging-related research.

There is no financial commitment to become a member of CCIR. Members are welcome to contribute discretionary funds to support CCIR events and trainee activities.

Categories of Membership

All member levels are eligible for the same membership benefits. The following categories are used by CCIR for planning and reporting purposes.

Faculty member levels

Faculty members with imaging-related research interests:

  • Full Member: PI or co-PI on externally funded research project and a full-time appointment in a department at CWRU
  • Associate Member: not PI or co-PI on externally funded research project
  • Clinical Member: enrolls patients in clinical trials

Trainee member level

Graduate and medical students, postdocs, residents, and research fellows with imaging-related interests:

  • Trainee Associate Member

Membership Benefits

All member levels are eligible for the same membership benefits.

  • Shape the Future: Play a pivotal role in planning and developing CCIR programs.
  • Exclusive Access: Gain eligibility to participate in CCIR-sponsored events, including educational events, mini-retreats, scientific meetings, presentations, and other special gatherings.
  • Boost Your Visibility: Enjoy CCIR promotion of your research, awards, and events, enhancing your professional profile.
  • Funding Opportunities: Become eligible to apply for developmental funds to support your innovative projects.
  • Collaborative Network: Engage and collaborate with the Imaging Research Trainee Council, expanding your professional network.
  • Community Engagement: Join CCIR coffee hours and virtual office hours to connect with peers and mentors.
  • Stay Informed: Receive communications about upcoming events and funding opportunities, including a weekly list of imaging seminars.
  • Regardless of membership status, you may sign up to receive the CCIR newsletter.

Contact for More Information

Contact with any questions about the membership process.