Teaching Opportunities

A professor sitting and talking to a class

Teaching Opportunities: Year 1 and Year 2 Curriculum 


IQ Facilitator for Year 1 and Year 2

M/W/F Weekly Year 1 (8 - 9:50 AM) and/or Year 2 (10 - 11:50 AM) 
Contact: som-iq@case.edu

Case Inquiry (IQ) teams are small student-centered learning groups of 8-9 students and a faculty facilitator. Many of the faculty who serve as facilitators feel that this is one of the best teaching experiences of their careers. Students also rate the IQ experience as the best learning opportunity in our curriculum.

To participate in IQ groups, faculty need to be committed to facilitating but not necessarily a specialist in the areas being studied. The faculty facilitate their small group of students by engaging in discussions that promote learning, reasoning, knowledge synthesis, and the development of skills of teamwork, professionalism and critical appraisal. They work with their group of students closely enough and long enough to develop strong learning and mentoring relationships.

IQ Faculty Responsibilities

  • Attend a 3-hour 'Becoming an IQ Faculty' workshop and observe an IQ team session prior to your teaching block.
  • Prepare for and facilitate an IQ group of 8-9 students 6 hours per week.
  • Attend the 1-hour IQ faculty meetings on Friday to give feedback on the cases and to prepare for the following week's cases with the case authors and Block Leaders.
  • Review and provide feedback to your IQ team's formative weekly essay question and reflection.
  • Provide assessments to your students at mid- or end-of-block.

Year 1 IQ Sessions: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8 - 9:50 AM

  • Block 1: Becoming a Doctor – July -August (Social, behavioral, environmental context of health and disease; civic professionalism)
  • Block 2: Human Blueprint – September-November (Endocrinology, reproduction, development, genetics, molecular biology, cancer biology)
  • Block 3: Food to Fuel – December - February (GI, nutrition, energy metabolism, biochemistry)
  • Block 4: Homeostasis – February-May (Cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, and cell physiology, principles of pharmacology)

Year 2 IQ Sessions: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 - 11:50 AM

  • Block 5: Host Defense-Host Response – September-November (Host defense, microbiology, blood, skin, autoimmune, musculoskeletal)
  • Block 6: Cognition, Sensation, Movement – December-March (Neuro, mind, cellular neurophysiology)

Commitments can be half or full blocks (ranges from 4-12 weeks) depending on the block.

Tuesday Seminars Preceptor

Tuesday mornings Year 1 (8 - 9:50 AM) September-May and/or Year 2 (10 - 11:50 a.m.) September-March
Contact: (tuesdayseminars@case.edu)

Faculty needed to facilitate a small group of students on the theme of 'doctoring' begun in Block 1 through the examination of topics such as: relationship between the physician and the patient; professionalism; healthcare disparities; cultural competence; quality improvement; law and medicine; medical error and patient safety; end of life issues; and the development of mindful practitioners.

Tuesday Seminar Faculty Responsibilities

  • Attend the Tuesday Seminar Orientation, a two-hour session prior to the start of Seminars
  • Prepare for and facilitate a Tuesday Seminar team of 8 students 2 hours per week
  • Review and provide feedback to your Tuesday Seminar team's reflection assignments
  • Provide assessments to your student at mid or end-of-block.

Outpatient Preceptor for Clinical Skills

Seven afternoon sessions in spring and fall; morning or afternoon sessions available in summer.
Contact: Kurtis Hoffman (patientbased@case.edu)

Faculty mentors needed for year 1 and year 2 medical students in outpatient office practice or clinics to provide hands-on experience taking patient histories and practicing physical exam skills prior to the beginning of clerkships. Nonlocal/Out-of-State Mentors outside of CWRU are welcomed during the summer months.

Inpatient Preceptor for Clinical Skills

Three afternoons June - January
Contact: Natalie Scala (som-pd@case.edu)

Faculty and residents needed to precept students on the inpatient wards, teaching and evaluating the skills of collecting a complete history and physical, then organizing what they have collected into oral and written presentations. Preceptors identify appropriate patients prior to the sessions, evaluate each student’s write up, and provide a summative assessment on each student.

Clinical Skills Exam Precepting

Various dates for clinical skills exams
Contact: Jennifer Lennon (block8@case.edu)

Faculty needed to provide grading and precepting for medical students during clinical skills exams. Opportunities include exam station assessment, video reviews, and/or note grading.

Clinical Reasoning Simulation Preceptor

Sessions scheduled throughout the year, various topics

Contact: block8@case.edu

Faculty needed to work with individual students or small groups, depending on the activity, to build skills in collecting a focused history and physical exam, then using the data collected to develop a differential diagnosis supported by evidence. Sessions are held in the Health Education Campus Simulation Center.

Physical Diagnosis Master Clinician

Available once per week throughout the fall.

Contact: som-pd@case.edu

Faculty needed to oversee fourth year student preceptors as they facilitate the learning of first year students on basic skills of physical diagnosis.

Medical Procedures Preceptor

Sessions scheduled one week per year, typically in August

Contact: block8@case.edu

Faculty needed to oversee students practicing injection (IM and SQ) techniques, IV placement, venipuncture. Sessions are held in our Health Education Campus Simulations Center.

SOAP Note Evaluator

Asynchronous - year round

Contact: patientbased@case.edu

Faculty needed to evaluate outpatient SOAP notes that students submit during their outpatient clinical experience. A rubric is provided, and evaluations are submitted online in the School of Medicine’s learning management system.

SOM Applicant Interviewer

Timing: September–February
Interview Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays (afternoons, 60 minutes per session)
Commitment: Minimum of 7 interviews, scheduled based on your availability

Contact: Christian Essman, cce3@case.edu


Student Portfolio Reviewer

Flexible Schedule
Contact: Kathy Dilliplane (kxd348@case.edu)

Serving as a faculty portfolio reviewer and member of a medical student portfolio review committee is a high priority teaching activity with a flexible schedule that is done online.

Students at the School of Medicine prepare portfolios of around 3-4 essays two times in their four years as medical students. In these essays (no longer than 1 1/2 pages each), students reflect on progress and challenges in working toward core physician competencies and support what they are saying by including documents that attest to their accomplishments. The core competencies the students reflect on range from professionalism, teamwork and leadership, communication skills, research and scholarship, and so on.

We would like to invite you to serve as a member of the portfolio review committee and to evaluate student portfolios 2 times a year. The Year 1 portfolios are reviewed in late June to mid-July. The Year 2 portfolios are ready for review at the end of March. Faculty reviewers have estimated that it takes approximately 20 minutes to review each essay. This would mean about 6-8 hours of work done online and flexibly scheduled two times a year. Training can also be done online; and when necessary, we will meet to discuss the more challenging reviews. We will provide help whenever needed. You would be engaged in important teaching that would be appropriately documented and evaluated, and it would serve as evidence of teaching for promotion and tenure deliberations.

Research Block Mentor

3-month dedicated research block (summers)
Contact: medstudentresearch@case.edu

Faculty needed to mentor medical students during 12 consecutive weeks of mentored research in between Year 1 and Year 2. Completion of the hypothesis-driven research or other scholarship serves as the basis for their M.D. thesis and possible publication.

Faculty who are interested in mentoring a student may submit their research project interests to the following website: https://case.edu/medicine/researchprojects/   

Students review this site as part of their mentor selection process.

MD Thesis Reviewer & Formative Assessment of Other Research Documents 

Various times throughout the year 

Contact: MedStudentResearch@case.edu 

Faculty reviewers are needed to provide feedback, using a rubric, on student research proposals, interim reports, abstracts, and ultimately their MD thesis. This is done completely online.

Teaching Opportunities: Year 3 Curriculum  

Sciences & Art of Medicine, Integrated (SAMI) Facilitator for Year 3

Friday afternoons (12:45- 4:30 p.m.)
Contact: som-sami@case.edu

SAMI utilizes small groups of third year (clerkship) students to integrate basic, clinical and health systems science. 

SAMI utilizes small groups of third year (clerkship) students to integrate basic, clinical and health systems science.

Students debrief clerkship experiences, receive feedback on their clinical skills (taking a history and performing a physical exam) and practice thinking through clinical decisions by integrating basic science and health systems science factors that influence delivery of care. Faculty remain with the same small group (6-9 students) throughout the academic year.


  • Facilitators commit to all 8 sessions for the year. Three options are available.
  • We welcome facilitation in more than one group if you can commit to more than 8 Friday afternoons (16 or 24).
  • Attend the SAMI orientation session in April. This orientation introduces the SAMI curriculum and builds facilitator skills.
  • Attend pre-session prep meetings on scheduled Fridays at 12:45pm.
  • Provide short, written feedback to all students after each session. You will receive training and guidance on providing high-quality written feedback.


  • Develop longitudinal relationships with a small group of students.
  • Help them grow and develop their skills and appreciate their personal and professional development as they advance through clerkships and contemplate future careers and specialties.
  • Earn teaching hours recorded in your departmental teaching activity reports: 5 hours credit per SAMI session.
  •  Build your CV and teaching portfolio.