Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN, FAAN

Associate Professor
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Assistant Professor
Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences
School of Medicine
QSEN Institute
Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing
Senior Faculty Scholar
VA Quality Scholars Program

Teaching Information

Teaching Interests

  • Interprofessional Education
  • Quality and Safety

Research Information

Research Interests

  • Heart failure self-management and cognitive impairment
  • Quality improvement and patient safety
  • Implementation science

Research Projects

Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Sara Douglas, PhD. CLOSER_A Videoconference Intervention for Distance Caregivers. NIH/NINR. The proposed research study tests an intervention delivered via videoconference that provides information and support to improve distance caregivers’ anxiety, distress, depression and health status. 1 R01 NR 015464-02 Douglas (PI) 3/01/2016-1/31/2020

Principal Investigator: Patient and Informal Caregiver Partnership in Medication Reconciliation across Care Transitions  John A. Hartford, Change AGEnt, January 2015- January 2016.

Principal Investigator: A Hidden Safety Resource: Family Caregiver Participation in Medication Reconciliation across the Transitions of Care, Cardinal Health Foundation, E3 Grant, 4-1-13 – 6-30-14, total budget, 35,000.

Co-Investigator Principal Investigator: Rebecca Boxer, MD Efficacy of Skilled Nursing Facility Heart Failure Management, NIH, NHLBI. NHLBI, 1R01HL113387-01, 5/1/2012-4/30/17, total budget, 2,400,000.

Co-Investigator (Principal Investigator: Melissa Zullo, PhD):Disability, Illness Burden, and Transitions of Care to Cardiac Rehabilitation for Medicare Patients. NHLBI, 1R03HS019795-01 9-30-2010 to 9-29-2012.

Co-Principal Investigator: Cognitive Impairment and Self-management in Adults with Heart Failure, Heart Lung and Blood institute, National Institutes of Health, R01, 4/1/10 to 3/31/14. 

Co-Investigator: Disparities Electronic Self-Management Resource Training to Reduce Health Disparities (eSMART-HD), NIH National Center on Minority Health and Health 9/30/09 – 8/31/11.

Co-Principal Investigator: A Measure of Systems Thinking: A Key Component of the Advancement of the Science of CQI. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, October 2008-April 2010.

Co-Investigator: "The Management of Heart Failure Patients in Long Term Care and Skilled Nursing Settings: The Bridge Project Phase 1." McGregor Foundation. PI Rebecca Boxer, MD, November 2007-November 2008.

Pilot Study Investigator: "The Effects of a Skilled Nursing Facility Self-management Cardiac Rehabilitation Intervention." Center of Excellence to Build the Science of Self-Management: A Systems Approach. S. Moore, Principal Investigator, NIH, National Institute for Nursing Research. P30NRO10676 September 2007 - June 2009.

Principal Investigator: K12 Pilot Funds,“Feasibility and Safety of a Skilled Nursing Facility Self-management Cardiac Rehabilitation Intervention." Case/Cleveland Clinic Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Award, August 2007 to April 2008.

Principal Investigator: K12 Pilot Funds, "Older Adults in a Skilled Nursing Facility following a Cardiac Event: Need and Feasibility of Cardiac Prehab Services." Case/Cleveland Clinic Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Award, May 2007 to July2007.

Principal Investigator: K12 Pilot Funds, "Discharge Destination of Older Adults following Hospitalization for a Cardiac Event." Case/Cleveland Clinic Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Award, May 2006 to November 2006.

Principal Investigator: "Disability and Rehabilitation Services Following Cardiac Events." Ohio Nurses Foundation Research Grant, March 2003 – March 2004.

Post-Doctoral Geriatric Nursing Scholarship recipient: "Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity." Funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation and sponsored by the American Academy of Nursing July 2001 to December 2003.

Principal Investigator: "The Effect of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Older Adults' Recovery Outcomes Following Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery." Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation, New Investigator Award, January 1999 to December 2000.

Recent Funding

Student Funding

Co-sponsor. Predoctoral Student: Anton Vehovec. New Mechanism to Explain Heart Failure Self-Management. NINR, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, 7/1/15 – 6/30/18.


Dolansky, M.A., Hawkins, M.A.W., Schaefer, J.T., Sattar. A., Gunstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R, Moore, S.M., Hughes, J.W. (2016). The association between poorer cognitive function and reduced objectively-monitored medication adherence in patients with heart failure. Circulation Heart Failure.

Dolansky, M.A., Hawkins, M.A.W., Schaefer, J.T., Gunstad, J., Sattar, A., Redle, J.D., Vehovec, A., Josephson, R, Moore, S.M., & Hughes, J. W. (2016). Cognitive Deficits Predict Risk for Clinically Significanddd Weight Gain but not Weighing Adherence in Adults with Heart Failure. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. Epub ahead of print November 2. PMID: 27811583.

Zullo, M. Gathright, E., Dolansky, M. A., Josephson, R., Cheruvu, V., Hughes, J.W. (2017). Influence of Depression on Utilization of Cardiac Rehabilitation Post-Myocardial Infarction: A Study of 158,991 Medicare Beneficiaries. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 37(1), 22-29. PMID: 27755259.

Dolansky, M. A., Capone, L., Leister, E., Boxer, R. (2016). Targeting Heart Failure Rehospitalizations in a Skilled Nursing Facility: A Case Report. Heart & Lung: 45(5), 392-6. PMID 27340005.

Zullo, M., Cheruvu, V., Dolansky, M.A., Josephson (In press). Older adults' attendance at cardiac rehabilitation: The impact of functional status and post-acute care use after acute myocardial infarction in 63,092 Medicare Beneficiaries.  Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention.

Dolansky, M.A., Schaefer, J.T., Hawkins, M.A.W., Gunstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R, Moore, S.M., & Hughes, J.W. (2016). Cognitive function predicts adherence to sodium guidelines in heart failure patients. Journal of Patient Preferences, 10, 233-241.PMID 27042017.

Clochesy J.M., Dolansky M.A., Hickman R.L. & Gittner L.S. (2015). Enhancing communication between patients and healthcare providers: SBAR3. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 38, 238-253. PMID: 26442363.

Jurgens, C. Y., Goodlin, S., Dolansky, M.A. (Co-chairs), Ahmed, A., Fonarow, G. C., Boxer, R., Arena, R., Blank, L., Buck, H. G., Cranmer, K., Fleg, J. L, Lampert, R. J., Lennie, T. J., Lindenfelf, J., Pina, I. L., Semla, T., Trebbien, P., Rich, M. W. (2015). Heart failure management in skilled nursing facilities. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association and the Heart Failure Society of Americia. Circulation, 1-34.DOI 10.1161/HHHF. PMID: 25863664.

Jurgens, C. Y., Goodlin, S., Dolansky, M.A. (Co-chairs), Ahmed, A., Fonarow, G. C., Boxer, R., Arena, R., Blank, L., Buck, H. G., Cranmer, K., Fleg, J. L, Lampert, R. J., Lennie, T. J., Lindenfelf, J., Pina, I. L., Semla, T., Trebbien, P., Rich, M. W. (2015). Heart failure management in skilled nursing facilities. A scientific statement from the American Heart Association and the Heart Failure Society of Americia. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 21(4), 263-297. DOI 10.1161/HHHF. PMID: 25855686.

Zullo, M., Gathright, E.C., Dolansky, M.A., Josephson, R.A., & Hughes, J.W. (2017). The Influence of Depression on Utilization of Cardiac Rehabilitation Post-Myocardial Infarction: A Study of 158,991 Medicare Beneficiaries. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention.

Hawkins, M., Dolansky, M.A., Schaefer, J.T., Fulcher, M.J., Gunstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R, & Hughes, J.W. (2015). Cognitive function in heart failure is associated with nonsomatic symptoms of depression but not somatic symptoms. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 30(5) E9-E-17 PMID: 25055077.

Singh, M. K, Ogrinc, G., Cox, K., Dolansky, M.A., Brandt, J., Morrison, L., Harwood, B., Petroski, G., West, A., & Headrick, L. (2015). The quality improvement knowledge application tool revised (QIKAT-R). Academic Medicine. 89(10) 1386-1391. PMID: 25119555.

Recent Publications with Students

Lee, A.H., Kelley, C., Dolansky, M. A., Alfes, C.M., Bennington, L. K. (2017). High-fidelity patient simulation to evaluate student nurse patient safety competence. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 13(12), 628-633.

Trent, M. Dolansky, M. A., Petty, G. Debrew., J. (in press). RN-BSN Students' Quality Improvement Knowledge, Skills, Confidence and Systems Thinking. Journal of Nursing Education.

Portz, J., Levin, J., Vehovec, A., Dolansky, M. A., Boxer, R. (in press). The Development and Acceptability of a Mobile Application for Tracking Symptoms of Heart Failure among Older Adults. Telemedicine and e-Health.

Gathright E. C.Dolansky M. A., Gunstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R.A., Moore, S. M., & Hughes, J.W. (In press). The Impact of Medication Non-Adherence on the Relationship Between Mortality Risk and Depressive Symptoms in in Heart Failure. Health Psychology.

Goldstein, C., Gathright, E. C., Fulcher, M. J. Dolansky, M. A. Gundstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R., Moore, S. M., Hughes, J. W. (in press). Depressive symptoms moderate the relationship between medication regimen complexity and objectively measured medication adherence in adults with heart failure. Journal of Behavioral Medicine.

Luebbers, EL, Dolansky, M.A., Vehovec, A, Petty, G. (2017). Implementation and evaluation of a community interprofessional learning activity.  Journal of Interprofessional Care, 31(1) 91-97.

Aloush, S., Dolansky, M. A., Moore, S. M., Burrant, C., Suliman, M., Josephson, R. (2016). Predictors of positive pulmonary rehabilitation outcomes. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. 18(3), 1-7.

Hu, X, Dolansky, M. A., Su, Y., Xiuying, H., Moying, Q, Zhou, L (2016). Effect of a multidisciplinary supportive program for family caregivers of patients with heart failure on caregiver burden, quality of life, and depression: A randomized controlled study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 62, 11-21, PMID: 27423791.

Petty, G. M., Dolansky, M. A., Luebbers, E. (2016). Practicing inter-professional teamwork among nursing and medical students. Journal of Nursing Care., 5, 1-3.

Marchi, N. & Dolansky, M. A. (In press). Fostering Patient Safety Knowledge, Perceived Safety Skills and Attitudes Among Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students Using Active Learning Approaches. Nursing Education Perspectives.

Dillon, D. L., Dolansky, M. A., Casey, K., Kelley, C. (2016). Factors related to successful transition to practice for acute care nurse practitioners. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 27 (2) 173-182. PMID: 27153306.

Hawkins, M., Dolansky, M. A.; Levin, J.B.; Schaefer, J.T., Gunstad, J., Redle, J., Josephson, R., Hughes, J.W. (2016). Cognitive Function and Health Literacy are Independently Associated with Heart Failure Knowledge. Heart and Lung, 45(5), 386-91. PMID: 27664312.

Xiaolin, H., Dolansky, M.A., Xiuying, H., Zhang, F., Moying, Q., (2016). Factors associated with caregiver burden among caregivers of patients with heart failure in southwest China. Nursing and Health Sciences, 18, 105-112. PMID 26799626.

Siler, J., Dolansky, M. A., Clavelle, J. T, Fitzpatrick J.J. (2016). Shared governance and work engagement in emergency nurses. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 42(4), 325-30. PMID 26972369.

Collier, S.L., Fitzpatrick, J.J., Siedlecki, S., Dolansky, M. A. (2016). Employee engagement and a culture of safety in the intensive care unit. Journal of Nursing Administration. 46(1), 49-54. PMID: 26641471.

Powers, D., Amellino, D., Dolansky, M.A., Fitzpatrick, J. (2016). Factors influencing nurse compliance with standard precautions. American Journal of Infection Control. American Journal of Infectious Control. 44(1), 4-7., PMID26769280.

Xiaolin, H., Xiuying, H., Yonglin, S., Moying, Q., Dolansky, M.A. (2015). The changes and factors associated with discharge behaviors among Chinese patients with heart failure. Patient Preference and Adherence, 9, 1593-1601. PMID 26635468.

Gathright, E. C., Fulcher, M. J. Dolansky, M. A. Gundstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R., Moore, S. M., Hughes, J. W. (2015). Cognitive impairment does not impact self-reported health related quality of life in heart failure patients. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. E pub ahead of print. PMID: 26132279.

Xie, S., Gathright, E. J., Goldstein, C., Gunstad, J., Dolansky, M.A.,  Redle, J., & Hughes, J. (2015). Performance of the automated neuropsychological assessment metrics (ANAM) in detecting cognitive impairment in heart failure patients. Heart & Lung - The Journal of Acute and Critical Care 44,387-394. doi 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2015.07.002. PMID: 26354858.

Cireddu, J. V., Dolansky, M.A., Lin-DeShetler, D., Hughes, J., Gunstad, J., Josephson, R. (2015). Unappreciated cognitive dysfunction is common among patients hospitalized with cardiovascular disease. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. 9(12), 1-9.

Delany, P., Friedman, I.. Dolansky, M.A., Fitzpatrick, J. (2015). The impact of sepsis education on nurse competencies. Journal of Nursing Continuing Education. 46(4) 179-186. PMID 25856453.

Lawrence, D., Bryant, T., Nobel, T., Dolansky, M.A., Singh, M. K. (2015). A comparative evaluation of patient satisfaction outcomes in an interprofessional student run free clinic. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 29(5), 445-450. PMID: 25700220.

Basuray, A., Dolansky, M.A., Josephson, R., Grady, E. M., Vehovec, A., Gunstad, J., Redle, J., Fang, J., Sattar, A., Hughes, J.W. (2015). Dietary sodium adherence in heart failure patients. Journal of Cardiac Failure, 21(4), 323-9. PMID: 25576680.

Philips, S. & Dolansky, M.A. (2015). Understanding veteran’s health beliefs: An essential part of a patient-centered approach to treatment adherence. DNP Forum Issue 1, Article 3.

Hawkins, M.A.W., Schaefer, J.T., Gunstad, J., Dolansky, M. A., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R, Moore, S.M., & Hughes, J.W. (2015). What is your patient's cognitive profile? Three distinct subgroups of cognitive function in persons with heart failure. Applied Nursing Research. 28(2) 186-191. PMID: 25510559.

Hawkins, M.Goldstein, C.M., Dolansky, M.A., Gunstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R, & Hughes, J.W. (2015). Depressive symptoms are associated with obesity in adults with heart failure: an analysis of gender differences. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 14(6) 16-24.  PMID: 25031311.

Zullo, M., Gathright, E.C., Dolansky, M.A., Josephson, R.A., & Hughes, J.W. (In press). The Influence of Depression on Utilization of Cardiac Rehabilitation Post-Myocardial Infarction: A Study of 158,991 Medicare Beneficiaries. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention.

Hawkins, M., Dolansky, M.A., Schaefer, J.T., Fulcher, M.J., Gunstad, J., Redle, J.D., Josephson, R, & Hughes, J.W. (2015). Cognitive function in heart failure is associated with nonsomatic symptoms of depression but not somatic symptoms. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 30(5) E9-E-17 PMID: 25055077.

Brown, S., Lindell, D., Dolansky, M. A. & Garber, J. (2015).  Nurses’ professional values and attitudes toward collaboration with physicians.  Journal of Nursing Ethics. 22(2) 205-216. PMID: 24878573.

Moore, J., Dolansky, M. A., Hudak, C., & Kenneley, I. (2015). Care coordination between convenient care clinics and healthcare homes. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. 27(5) 262-269. PMID: 25284043.

Anderson, C., Dolansky, M. A., Damato, E., & Jones, K. (2015). Predictors of serious fall injury in hospitalized patients. Clinical Nursing Research.24(3) 269-283. PMID: 24789939.

Arruda, S., Tam, M., Vest, M., Hughes, J., Gunstad, J., Dolansky, M.A.,Sukeena, R., Josephson, R., (2015). Screening for Vascular Disease in Pulmonary Rehabilitation, British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 5(2) 169-177.

Books and Book Chapters

Dolansky, M. A. and Luebbers, E. (2017). Overcoming challenges to interprofessional education in the workplace. In. R. Rayburn, D. Davis, & Turco, M. (Eds). Continuing professional development in medicine and healthcare: Better Education, Improved Outcomes, and Best Care. 

Dolansky, M.A., Luebbers, E., Singh, M. Moore, S.M .(2017). Interprofessional approaches to quality and safety education.  In G. Sherwood & J. Barnsteiner (Eds) 2nd Edition. Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Competency Approach to Improving Outcomes. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Philips, S. Dolansky, M. A. Mathews, D. (2016). QSEN Competencies: Application to Advanced Practice Mental Health Nursing. Eds., K. Tusaie & J. Fitzpatrick Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nursing, 2nd Ed. Springer.

Tingley, J., Dolansky, M.A., Walsh, M.N. (2015). Team-based transitions of care in heart failure. Heart Failure Clinics 11, 371-378.

Dolansky, M.A. & McMeekin, D. (2015) Quality and safety: QSEN. The Encyclopedia of Nursing Education. Eds. M. J. Smith, J. J. Fitzpatrick, and R. Carpenter. New York: Springer Publishing.

Watts, S., Zimbardi, K., Dolansky, M.A., & Singh, M. (2015) Nurse practitioner residency development at the Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Realize the future of nursing: VA nurses tell their stories.

Jurgens, C. Y., Dolansky, M.A., Buck, H. G. (2014). Heart failure in the nursing home setting.  In  A. S. Maisel & G. S. Filippatos (Eds), Heart Failure: The Expert’s Approach.Philadelphia: jaypee Brothers Medical.

Splaine, M. E., Dolansky, M. A., Patrician, P. A., Estrado, C. A.  (2012). Practice-based Learning and Improvement: A Clinical Improvement Action Guide, 3rd Edition. Oakbrook: Joint Commission Resources.

Dolansky, M. A., Singh, M., Watts, B. Lawrence, Eugene C. Nelson, Paul B. Batalden, William H. Edwards, Carlos A. Estrada, Mark E. Splaine (2012). Applying Practice-based Learning and Improvement. In Practice-based Learning and Improvement: A Clinical Improvement Action Guide, 3rd Edition. Editors, In R. Splaine, M. E., Dolansky, M. A., Patrician, P. A., Estrado, C. A. Oakbrook: Joint Commission Resources.

Moore, S.M.., Dolansky, M.A. & Singh, M. (2012). Interprofessional Approaches to Quality and Safety Education.  In G. Sherwood & J. Barnsteiner (Eds). Quality and Safety in Nursing: A Competency Approach to Improving Outcomes. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Ogrinc, G. S., Headrick, L. A., Moore, S. M., Dolansky, M. A., Madigosky, W. Barton, A. (2011). Fundamentals of Health Care Improvement. 2nd Edition. Oakbrook: Joint Commission Resources.


Postdoctoral Fellowship
John A. Hartford Foundation
Doctor of Philosophy
Case Western Reserve University
Master of Science in Nursing
Kent State University
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Kent State University
Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Training Program
Scholar NIH-KL2
Case Western Reserve Universtiy/Cleveland Clinic

Additional Information

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