
The Center for Mitochondrial Diseases was initiated in 2008 with funding from the School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Charles Hoppel served as the director of this center, which sought to advance our understanding of mitochondrial diseases, promote research, and improve clinical care for patients affected by these conditions. Specifically, the center worked closely with clinical centers in Cleveland and throughout the country to identify and characterize mitochondrial disorders. This included investigating the genetic, biochemical, and cellular aspects of mitochondrial disorders. Dr. Hoppel’s research on oxidative phosphorylation included themes of heart metabolism and the contributions of individual protein subunits in organelle function.

At its core, the center has always engaged scientists from diverse backgrounds to study altered mitochondrial structure and function. The impact of these studies in human health cover a breadth of disciplines, including cardiology, neurology, cancer and more. The fundamental insight gained through partnerships in the center fostered the development of numerous scientists at various stages of their career development. Dr. Mears and Qi were recruited to CWRU School of Medicine as members of the center in 2010 and 2011, respectively. 

Dr. Hoppel still serves in an emeritus role on our advisory board. His legacy is honored through the Charles L. Hoppel Endowment in Mitochondrial Biology to highlight scientists whose careers emulate his service to the School of Medicine and his outstanding career in mitochondrial biology as a researcher, educator, and mentor. Discover more about the endowment.