
The Oncology research area applies cell-based therapies to cancer and blood-related diseases.

  • Regulation of stem cell properties in glioma stem cells and neural stem cells
  • Immunomodulatory therapies for acute GVHD Cell Therapy
  • Stem cell gene transfer, drug selection, transdifferentiation
  • Technology development, novel drug target identification
  • UCB for hematopoietic and vascular regeneration, transplantation
  • Treatment modalities for gliomas as well as outcome measurements of various therapies
  • Signal transduction in cancer and inflammation
  • Clinical trials using CAR T cell therapies for T cell malignancies, AML and multiple myeloma
  • Mutagenesis by chemotherapeutic agents
  • Portrait of Stan Gerson in dark suit with light colored tie

    Stanton L. Gerson, MD

    School of Medicine
    Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs
    National Center for Regenerative Medicine
    Department of Medicine
    Department of Environmental Health Sciences
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: stanton.gerson@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.2825

  • Portrait of Shideng Bao, PhD

    Shideng Bao, PhD

    Department of Cancer Biology
    School of Medicine
    Center for Cancer Stem Cell Research
    Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: baos@ccf.org

    Phone: 216.636.1009

  • Portrait of Paolo Caimi

    Paolo F. Caimi, MD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Medicine
    Division of Hematology and Oncology
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: paolo.caimi@case.edu

  • Timothy Chan headshot

    Timothy Chan, MD, PhD

    National Center for Regenerative Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
    Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences
    School of Medicine

    Email: CHANT2@ccf.org

  • Portrait of Molly Gallogly, MD, PhD

    Molly Gallogly, MD, PhD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: molly.gallogly@UHhospitals.org

  • Justin Lathia headshot

    Justin D. Lathia, PhD

    Department of Molecular Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Molecular Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: lathiaj@ccf.org

    Phone: 216.445.7475

  • Ehsan Malek

    Ehsan Malek, MD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: ehsan.malek@UHhospitals.org

  • Leland Metheny headshot

    Leland Metheny, MD

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: leland.metheny@UHhospitals.org

  • Folashade Otegbeye

    Folashade Otegbeye, MD, MPH

    Assistant Professor
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: folashade.otegbeye@UHhospitals.org

  • Andrew E. Sloan, M.D.

    Andrew E. Sloan, MD

    Professor and Vice Chairman
    Department of Neurosurgery
    School of Medicine
    Peter D. Cristal Chair of Neurosurgical Oncology
    Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Center
    Center of Excellence for Translational Neuro-Oncology
    Distinguished Surgeon & Senior Staff Neurosurgeon
    University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
    Distinguished Surgeon & Senior Staff Neurosurgeon
    University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center
    Distinguished Surgeon & Senior Staff Neurosurgeon
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: andrew.sloan@UHhospitals.org

  • Sree N. Sreenath , PhD, MNO

    Associate Professor
    Case Western Reserve University
    Case School of Engineering

    Email: n.sreenath@case.edu

  • William Tse in white labcoat

    William Tse, MD, MBA

    Clinical Professor
    Department of Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: wtse@metrohealth.org

    Phone: 216.778.3845

  • Dr. Lan Zhou

    Lan Zhou, MD, PhD

    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: lan.zhou@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1671