Orthopedics Research

Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine Initiative

Thanks to an emerging and exciting connection between orthopedics and regenerative medicine, research with the potential to yield new and enhanced treatments for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries is taking shape at the National Center for Regenerative Medicine. By combining existing strengths in orthopedic research and care with the immense potential for regenerative medicine in a newly dedicated initiative, CWRU is uniquely positioned to revolutionize musculoskeletal health and improve the lives of countless patients throughout the world.

Current active research targeting arthritis has entered the clinical trial phase of translation. This trial and additional FDA-approved stem cell trials and research projects like it in regenerative orthopedic medicine are bolstered by contributions from the CWRU faculty with diverse expertise from medicine, engineering, biomedical engineering, and the NCRM.

Initiative Founding Members

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Cleveland, OH

Robert A. Eppley, MD (MED 1983)
President, California Sports and Orthopaedics Institute
Shoulder and Knee Specialist
Cal Lead Team Orthopaedic Surgeon
Berkeley, Orinda and Oakland, CA

Henri Pell Junod Jr. (MA ‘69)  
Cleveland, OH

Robert P. Mack, MD (MED ‘61) 
Retired Aspen Orthopaedic Associates
Denver, CO

Randall E. Marcus, MD 
Charles H. Herndon Professor Emeritus and Past Chairman, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals of Cleveland 
Cleveland, OH

William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Foundation
Cleveland, OH 

University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cleveland, OH

Clay Wertheimer, MD (MED 1985)
Retired Orthopedic Surgeon Proliance Surgeons
Seattle, WA


  • Image of headshot of Arnold Caplan

    Arnold I. Caplan, PhD

    Department of Biology
    College of Arts and Sciences
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering
    Center for Modular Manufacturing of Structural Tissues
    Immune Oncology Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: arnold.caplan@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.3562

  • Dr. Nikki Harter

    Marian (Nikki) Harter, PhD

    Department of Biochemistry
    School of Medicine

    Email: ml.nikki.harter@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.8693

  • Portrait of Qingzhong Kong

    Qingzhong Kong, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Pathology
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Neurology
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Environmental Health Sciences
    School of Medicine

    Email: qingzhong.kong@case.edu

    Phone: 216.368.1756

  • Portrait of James E Voos

    James Voos, MD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Orthopaedics
    School of Medicine

    Email: james.voos@uhhospitals.org

  • Portrait of Maciej Zborowski

    Maciej Zborowski, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department of Molecular Medicine
    School of Medicine
    Associate Professor
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Case School of Engineering
    Developmental Therapeutics Program
    Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

    Email: zborowm@ccf.org

    Phone: 216.445.9330