"The past we inherit... the future we create." - Theo Moll

A New Public Space
The 15-acre greenway creates one of the largest new parks in recent Cleveland history. The design, by Sasaki Associates Inc., was dedicated in May 2018 by Barbara R. Snyder, President of Case Western Reserve University, at a cost of $15 million.

Bridging the Campus
The broad, tree-lined greenway begins on its eastern edge at the Tinkham Veale University Center, crosses the front yard of the Cleveland Museum of Art and stretches to the west, arriving at the Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center at The Temple-Tifereth Israel.

Host Your Event
The greenway is available for booking year round. While there are no rental fees associated with the space, services fees may apply. Priority is given to events sponsored by departments or student organizations of Case Western Reserve and the Cleveland Museum of Art.