Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment Resources

Here you’ll find an evolving list of resources and tools for implementing Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT), the evidence-based practice, recommended by consultants and trainers at the Center for Evidence-Based Practices. IDDT improves quality of life for people with co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorders by combining substance abuse services with mental health services. Learn more about IDDT.

Tools produced by our center

Tools for Clinical Change

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Best of SAMHSA Resources for IDDT

These free materials are produced by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) that are especially useful for the implementation of Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT), an organizational assessment and planning tool. The list below is produced by the consultants and trainers of the Center for Evidence-Based Practices.

Treatment Implementation Protocols (TIPs)

Explore the full TIP series from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

TIP 27: Comprehensive Case Management for Substance Abuse Treatment

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O1, T1a, T1b, T5, T7, T10, T12

Presents an overview of case management for substance abuse treatment providers. Discusses models, program evaluation, managed care issues, referral and service coordination requirements, linkages with other service agencies, and clients with special needs.

TIP 35: Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O1, O5, O6, O8, O12, T2, T4, T6, T7, T8, T12
Offers guidelines to help clinicians influence the change process in their clients by incorporating motivational interventions into substance abuse treatment programs. Describes different motivational interventions that can be used at all stages of change.

TIP 39: Substance Abuse Treatment and Family Therapy

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O6, T3, T9, T13

Introduces substance abuse treatment and family therapy, as well as models for integrating the two approaches to therapy. Discusses cultural competency, considerations for specific populations, policy and program issues, and guidelines for assessing violence.

TIP 41: Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O8, T2, T6, T7, T8, T10

Helps counselors improve their skills in leading group therapy sessions for substance abuse treatment. Discusses types of group therapy, confidentiality, client placement, group development, stages of treatment, how-to tips, training, and supervision.

TIP 42: Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: All

Provides substance abuse treatment providers with updated information on co-occurring substance use and mental disorders and advances in treatment for people with co-occurring disorders. Discusses terminology, assessment, and treatment strategies and models.

TIP 44: Substance Abuse Treatment for Adults in the Criminal Justice System

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O1, O6, O12; All items in Treatment scale

Offers guidelines to help clinicians address substance abuse treatment issues in various settings within the criminal justice system. Discusses screening and assessment, triage and placement, treatment planning, and treatment issues for specific populations. Includes program development guidance for administrators.

TIP 49:  Incorporating Alcohol Pharmacotherapies into Medical Practice

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O1, O6, O12, T2, T7, T11, T12, T13

Provides clinical practice guidelines for using four medications in the medication-assisted treatment of alcoholism and alcohol abuse: acamprosate, disulfiram, oral naltrexone, and extended-release injectable naltrexone. Also discusses patient management.

TIP 52:   Clinical Supervision and Professional Development of the Substance Abuse Counselor

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O6, O7, O8; All items in Treatment scale

Presents guidelines for clinical supervision in the substance abuse treatment field. Covers supervision methods and models, cultural competence, ethical and legal issues, and performance monitoring. Includes an implementation guide for program administrators.

Technical Assistance Publications (TAPs)

Explore the full TAP series from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

TAP 21: Addiction Counseling Competencies

Addresses DDCAT/CMHT Scale Items: II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII

Provides guidelines to enhance the competencies of substance abuse treatment counselors. Discusses patient assessment and screening, treatment planning, referral, service coordination, counseling, family and community education, and cultural competency.

TAP 21-A: Competencies for Substance Abuse Treatment Clinical Supervisors

Addresses DDCAT/CMHT Scale Items: II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII

Lists competencies necessary for effective supervision in alcohol abuse and drug abuse treatment programs. Provides administrators with step-by-step guidelines for implementing a comprehensive supervisory training and workforce development component.

Evidence-Based Practices Kits

Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) KIT

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: All

Provides practice principles about integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders, an approach that helps people recover by offering mental health and substance abuse services at the same time and in one setting. Offers suggestions from successful programs.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) KIT

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: Most

Provides tools to implement the evidence-based practices of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT), which offers customized, community-based services for people with mental illness. Includes DVD, CD-ROM, brochures in English and Spanish, and PowerPoint presentation.

Supported Employment Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) KIT

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O1, O6, T1, T3

Provides practice principles about supported employment, an approach to vocational rehabilitation for people with serious mental illnesses. Promotes the belief that everyone with a serious mental illness is capable of working competitively in the community.

Illness Management and Recovery Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) KIT

Addresses IDDT Scale Items: O1, O6, T3, T8, T9, T12

Guides public officials in developing illness-management and recovery mental health programs that emphasize personal goal-setting and actionable strategies for recovery. Offers guidance grounded in evidence-based practices. Kit includes 10 booklets.

Recommended Research and Reading for IDDT

  • Robert E. Drake, Kim T. Mueser, Mary F. Brunette, Gregory J. McHugo (2006). A Review of Treatments for People with Severe Mental Illnesses and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, v27, n4 Spring, p360-374.
  • Robert E. Drake E., Susan M. Essock, Andrew Shaner, Kate B. Carey, Kenneth Minkoff, Lenore Kola, David Lynde, Fred C. Osher, Robin E. Clark, and Lawrence Rickards (2001). Implementing Dual Diagnosis Services for Clients with Severe Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services, v52, April, p469-476.
  • D. A. Regier, M. E. Farmer, D. S. Rae, B. Z. Locke, S. J. Keith, L. L. Judd, and F. K. Goodwin (1990). Comorbidity of Mental Disorders with Alcohol and other Drug Abuse. Results from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) Study. Journal of the American Medical Association, v264, n19 November, p2511-2518.