Tutor-Supported Courses

Tutoring is available for many undergraduate level courses. Below is a list of courses currently supported by peer tutoring, which will be updated regularly.  Last updated:  10/24/2024

Note #1: Any course with an asterisk next to the number (ex: 300*) means we have only one tutor for that course, so the number of available sessions is limited.

Note # 2:  All languages only carry one tutor, so they will not have an asterisk next to the number, but please know that subjects such as RUSN, SPAN, FRCH, etc, only have one tutor as well.

Schedule an appointment for a course you are taking using TutorTrac !

Subject Course Code

Coaching (For Time Mgmt, Study Strategies, Burnout, Note Taking, Etc.)

ACCT 100, 106*, 200, 300*
ANTH 103*
ARAB 101, 102, 201, 202, 301
ASTR 101*, 103*
BAFI 355, 356*, 359*, 361*
BIOC 307, 308
BIOL 114*, 116*, 117*, 214, 215, 216, 326, 343, 346*, 381*
CHEM 105, 106, 111, 113, 121*, 223, 224, 233, 234, 301*, 306*, 310, 311*, 323, 324, 328
CHIN 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 320, 380
CLSC 231*
COSI 220*
CSDS 132, 233, 281*, 293*, 302, 310, 341*
EBME 308*
ECHE 225*, 313*
ECIV 260*
ECON 102, 103, 307*, 326*
ECSE 132, 233, 281*, 301*, 302, 303*
EEPS 110*
EMAE 160*, 181*, 250*
ENGR 130, 131, 145, 200, 210
FRCH 101, 102, 201, 202
GREK 101, 102
HSTY 231*
ITAL 101, 102
JAPN 101, 102, 201, 202
MATH 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 201, 223, 224, 227, 304, 307, 308, 324*, 363*
MGMT 201*
MPHP 301*
MUTH 101*, 102*
NTRN 200*, 200H*, 201, 300, 328*, 340*
NURS 115, 122, 201, 211*, 212*, 230, 240, 315*, 316*, 317*, 338*, 339*, 342
OPRE 207*
PHYS 115, 116, 121, 122, 123, 124, 221*, 310*, 313*, 331*
PSCL 101, 313, 315
RUSN 101, 102, 201, 202, 311
SOCI 101*
SPAN 101, 102, 201, 202
STAT 201, 312*, 312R*, 313, 325*


Tutoring Requests/Needs

If you need tutoring in a course that is not listed above, complete the tutoring request form and the Academic Resources staff will make every attempt to find a tutor for you. This service is available during the fall and spring semesters only.

We are currently looking for tutors for the following courses/subjects:

  • ANTH 319
  • BIOL 225
  • CSDS 338, 391
  • ECHE 260
  • ECIV 315
  • ECSE 246
  • EMAE 181, 250, 251, 350  (Especially 251!!)
  • HUMN 212
  • MATH 380
  • PHIL 101, 201
  • PSCL 282, 352
  • STAT 243

If you are a student able to tutor any of the above courses, or for any course not listed above or an instructor who would like to nominate a student, please contact tutoring@case.edu.

Attention Faculty:

If your undergraduate course is not listed above, contact Shaun Hoversten, assistant director of academic support resources, at 216.368.3451 to learn how we can help make tutoring available for your course.