Innovating Smart Home Strategies for Millennials

This semester, the xLab team has continued looking into how to innovate smart home products and appliances to be more exciting for millennials. The team includes undergraduate and graduate students with backgrounds in anthropology, computer science, data science & analytics, cognitive science, and business. The team has developed a multi-component project to explore North American millennial lifestyles and preferences, routines, and smart device usage.

The team has conducted consumer research throughout the semester, which has fallen into two workstreams: the first involved case studies in which the team interviewed and surveyed millennials. The other involved large consumer data analysis to distill broader insights into the millennial generation within North America. The team is looking at different family configurations and stages of life to explore new ways smart technology can support activities within the home. The team is leveraging its consumer research findings to innovate specific technologies and services to better fulfill the needs of millennials.

The insights uncovered from the team’s consumer research will create new opportunities for the team’s corporate sponsor, a global electronics company, to be a leading brand amongst millennials and the next generation of homeowners. The team will present their findings and strategic recommendations at the end of the semester.