Meeting Archive

How to Create Quizzes & Surveys Quickly and Easily with Microsoft Forms

July 18, 2024
1:30-2:30pm, Zoom

The APN shared a webinar on creating quizzes and surveys using Microsoft Forms, which comes bundled in the Office 365 suite. This tool is irreplaceable when organizing events, for registration, polls, surveys, feedback, and more. Participants learned how to create a basic survey, including how to add different question types (multiple choice, open-ended text, ratings, etc.), add ranking options, and allow for file uploads. They also learned how to edit, share with others, adjust themes, and preview how they'll appear in different platforms. And finally, how to view and analyze results.

Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence Prompting

March 14, 2024
2-3pm, Zoom

Instructional Designer/Technologist Indra Wangsawiredja hosted an insightful exploration into the fundamentals of AI prompting. Whether you're a novice or have some experience with AI, this session provided valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your understanding and implementation of AI prompting techniques. The slides are available here and you can view the recording here.

Wellness at Work

February 13, 2024
2-3pm, Zoom

The staff of the Wellness Program discussed what opportunities are available for the 2024 calendar year and how you can best take advantage of them. View the recording here.

Teamwork Workshop

October 17, 2023

This workshop with Dr. Tyler Reimschisel, Associate Provost, Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Education and Research, aimed to improve teamwork through effective communication and the mutual learning approach. Effective communication is a core element of high-impact teamwork, yet most of us lack formal training in productive communication skills and strategies. The workshop discussed how we can enhance our team interaction by applying what we are learning from cognitive science, including naive realism and the fallibility of our intuitions.

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