2021 Meetings

Meet & Greet with the Professional Development Center

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Kolleen Sullvan, Training Manager
Andrea Hess, Career Development Manager
Professional Development Center (PDC)

Are you looking for training opportunities, resources to support you in skill development, or someone to talk to about your professional development? The PDC's trainings and services are up and running and their October training calendar is live. Andrea and Kolleen discussed the PDC's offerings and how you can take advantage of them.

The PDC's mission is to provide comprehensive, high-quality learning and development resources that advance the performance of the individual and the university. Visit their new website, their Instagram (@CWRU_PDC), and their Campus Groups page to keep up on their activities and find out how to register for training sessions or request a career development consultation!

Making Health the Easy Choice at Work

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Speaker: Elizabeth R. Click, DNP, ND, RN, CWP, Medical Director, Associate Professor, FPB School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University

In this virtual meeting, CWRU Medical Director, Dr. Elizabeth Click, focused on well-being practices to provide support for managers and staff during the transition back to in-office work.

6th Annual Administrative Professionals (Virtual) Conference: Asking Difficult Questions: Confronting Microaggressions and Bias

April 21, 2021

Invited Speaker: Heather Burton, PhD, Senior Director for Faculty and Institutional Diversity, Case Western Reserve University

The session provided an opportunity for participants to engage in creating inclusive and welcoming environments grounded in individual responsibility. Dialogue assisted participants in recognizing everyday verbal and nonverbal insults that target a person or group of people based on their membership in a marginalized community. Taking personal accountability, participants addressed personal bias and learn to create greater inclusion within their particular role or position of influence to interrupt the use of microaggressions.

Participants learned to:

  • Impact change and provide holistic service to marginalized communities by recognizing personal use of microaggressions and bias
  • Define the concepts of microaggressions and implicit bias and learn practical application to counter individual bias and avoid using everyday microaggressions
  • Demonstrate the difference between microaggression intent and impact and the effect on individual behavior and a systemic inclusive environment

"The Assistant's High Performance Toolbox: Decision-Making and Problem-Solving" with Lorinda Lewis

March 9, 2021

If you aspire to greater achievement or new responsibilities, be known as a good decision-maker and problem-solver. Get a 7 step proven process that results in better decisions while avoiding common decision-making traps–such as deciding too slowly or too quickly. Explore how those skills and habits of mind can also be used to solve problems effectively and practice techniques for assessing situations and generating the best solutions.


  • Characteristics of expert decision-makers — which should you prioritize
  • How do identify biases in your own or others’ thinking that can lead to bad decisions
  • Quick and dirty formulas for evaluating the pros and cons of various solutions
  • How to respond quickly when a situation goes wrong — and what you should NOT do

Lorinda Lewis

Lorinda Lewis loves to facilitate learning and “to challenge thinking so that learning happens.” She has been an onsite business trainer and facilitator for over 18 years, with considerable experience in business communication, management, and leadership skills. Lorinda hones her skills with a career in sales, management, and training with General Mills.