Cleveland Humanities Festival Partners

The Cleveland Humanities Festival is a collaborative event coordinated by the Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities of Case Western Reserve University. Each year the CHF explores a theme of topical interest to the public from the perspective of the humanities. Cultural, scientific, and educational organizations in and around Cleveland partner with the Baker-Nord Center in presenting public programming on the annual theme. Each partner institution contributes public events that are consistent with its individual mission, thus guaranteeing that a wide range of perspectives is offered. Past themes have included “Remembering War” (2016), “Immigration” (2017), “Health” (2018), "Nature" (2019), "Truth" (2020), "Identity" (2021), "Discourse" (2022), "Wellness" (2023) and "Awe" (2024).

Limited funding is available for partners interested in co-sponsorships with the Baker-Nord Center, but in most cases partner institutions will contribute programming to the CHF without financial support from the Baker-Nord Center. The Baker-Nord Center contributes academic programming during a two-week period in late March and early April, but programming by partner institutions may take place at any time during those months. The Baker-Nord Center’s contributions to the CHF include preparation of a printed program which includes partners’ events for wide distribution throughout Cleveland. It promotes the Festival through paid advertising and earned media in collaboration with Case Western Reserve University’s office of Marketing and Communication. The Baker-Nord Center also facilitates cross-promotion of partners’ events.

The deadline to apply for co-sponsorship funding is December 16, 2024.