Arthur Evenchik, the coordinator of the Nord Family Emerging Scholars Program, is assistant to the dean for special projects in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Before he joined the staff of Case Western Reserve University in 2004, Evenchik was a literacy tutor and volunteer coordinator at the Maya Angelou Public Charter School in Washington, D.C. Earlier in his career, he worked as an editor at the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy at the University of Maryland and as a writer for the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences at Johns Hopkins University. Evenchik earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Johns Hopkins and a master’s degree in English from the University of Chicago. He has taught at Goucher College, Towson University, the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.
At CWRU, Evenchik conducts workshops on reading instruction for Project STEP-UP, which recruits undergraduates to tutor children in local schools and libraries. He is also a consultant for a program at the Cleveland School of Science and Medicine (CSSM) in which CWRU medical students help high school seniors write their college admissions essays. In this role, he often tutors CSSM students who later enroll at Case Western Reserve and participate in the Nord Family Emerging Scholars Program.