Writers House

Writers House is a project of the English Department and the Writing Program at CWRU. It is both an actual house and an idea. Writers House embraces all forms of writing, and offers a place not only for campus writers to come together, but also reaches out to a larger, more regional writing community. Our goal is to give a voice to writers, to bring them together, to create networks, to foster conversation and encourage collaboration, and to support diverse, inclusive writing communities. Writers House programming includes craft workshops, readings and lectures, gatherings, and a letterpress and book arts studio (the New Gutenberg Annex).

Case Western Reserve University's Writing Resource Center has long served students engaged in academic writing through workshops and tutoring. Writers House builds on this foundation: to redesign our notion of writing within the university; to include other genres such as poetry, fiction, science writing, creative nonfiction, hypertext; to make writing at once more visible and more diverse; to address writing as both artifact and craft.

Thanks in large part to a generous endowment gift from T. Dixon Long, former Dean of Western Reserve University and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Writers House and the Writing Resource Center have a home in historic Bellflower Hall. We invite students, faculty, staff, and community to take part as both writers and readers in our inventive programming, workshops, and social events.