Support your growth as a writer by attending our campus workshops and events. Click on an event title to learn more and to register.
Note: Between academic semesters, this page may appear to be blank. We appreciate your patience as we finalize our plans - please check back for updates!
- Jan 24
The Gertrude Mann Memorial Lecture by Iris Jamahl Dunkle
Alum ('10) Iris Jamahl Dunkle will be reading from her book Riding Like the Wind: The Life of Sanora Babb and talking about her process of writing biography and poetry. Reception following. …
- Jan 28
PAWS (Peer-Assisted Writing Support) Intro
AIQS students are invited to join us to get to know the Writing Resource Center and how our Peer-Assisted Writing Support (PAWS) can help you save time and work more efficiently! PAWS will…
- Jan 29
PAWS (Peer-Assisted Writing Support) Intro
AIQS students are invited to join us to get to know the Writing Resource Center and how our Peer-Assisted Writing Support (PAWS) can help you save time and work more efficiently! PAWS will…
- Jan 31
"Postnaturalism and Monstrosity," a Lecture by Michael Mayne
Transphobia acutely represents the goal of conservative revanchism: a static social order. This vision of a world governed by orthodox social forms depends on a logic of naturalism trans…
- Feb 07
"The Anisfield-Wolf Book Award and the African Imaginary: Transnational African Writing from Ralph Bunche to Teju Cole," a Lecture by Jamie Hickner
The writer is one who places her ear to a wall that no one else can see and transcribes, as best as she is able, the sounds coming through from the other side. …
- Feb 14
"Esoteric Art," a Lecture by Michael Clune
By“esoteric” I refer to the value an artwork has apart from its value to an audience. To describe the fundamental features of this kind of esoteric art, I will focus on Nathaniel…
- Feb 21
"Baconian Quacks & the Origins of Digital Media," a Lecture by Whitney Trettien
Amateur bibliographers who espoused the Baconian theory of Shakespearean authorship in the later nineteenth and early twentieth century — people like Orville Owen, Ignatius Donnelly, and…
- Feb 28
"Psyche in Sequence: Psychoanalysis, Comics, and the American Superhero," a Lecture by Valentino Zullo
The many meetings of the comic book industry and the United States mental health system in the twentieth century defined the burgeoning medium. In 1941, psychologist William Moulton Marston…
- Mar 28
"Lorraine Hansberry, the Holocaust, and Race in Postwar American Intellectual Life," a Lecture by Allison Schachter
Sometime in the early 1960s, Lorraine Hansberry drafted an essay on the Eichmann trial, one that she …