The Writing Program offers opportunities for excellent scholar-teachers to work as part of our innovative team.
- Undergraduate Peer Writing Fellows provide individual writing consultations through the Writing Resource Center. Inquire about opportunities via email:
- Graduate Teaching Assistants in English and other disciplines provide individual writing consultations, collaborative teaching support, and stand-alone teaching. Completion of graduate-level coursework in composition pedagogy, English department Pedagogy Series, UCITE TA Training, and other professional development programming is expected. For more information, email
- Writing Faculty positions are posted in the Chronicle of Higher Education, as well as on the CWRU Academic Careers Page. In general, full-time faculty positions are advertised toward the end of the fall semester for employment that begins in the following academic year. Pedagogical specializations expected and number of positions available will vary from year to year.
- Our current search, for positions to start in AY25-26, is no longer accepting applications. We expect to advertise again in late fall for positions to start in AY26-27.