Arnold I. Caplan, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of BiologyCollege of Arts and SciencesProfessorDepartment of PathologySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of Biomedical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringDirectorCenter for Modular Manufacturing of Structural TissuesMemberImmune Oncology ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.3562
Interests: Tissue engineering of mesenchymal tissue, skeletal tissue biology, extracellular matrix; and the aging of the skin.
Jean F. Welter, MD, MSc, PhD
Center Associate DirectorResearch Associate ProfessorDepartment of BiologyCollege of Arts and SciencesProject Lead, TR&D-2DirectorBioreactor Core FacilitySkeletal Research CenterEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1333
Interests: Tissue-engineering and cell-based therapies, bioreactor design, mechanobiology, bone transplantation, imaging, fluorescence spectroscopy, drug delivery.
Harihara Baskaran, PhD
Professor and ChairDepartment of Chemical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringProject Lead, TR&D-3Project Lead, Training & DisseminationEmail:
Phone: 216.368.1029
Interests: Biotransport applications to Cell and Tissue Engineering, Microvascular tissue engineering
Chung-Chiun Liu, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Chemical EngineeringCase School of EngineeringEmail:
Joseph M. Mansour, PhD
ProfessorDepartment of Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringCase School of EngineeringEmail:
Interests: Mechanical behavior of cartilaginous tissues in normal, diseased & repaired states.
Seunghee Margevicius, PhD
BiostatisticianDepartment of Population and Quantitative Health SciencesFrances Payne Bolton School of NursingSchool of MedicineEmail:
Rodrigo Somoza Palacios, PhD
Research Assistant ProfessorDepartment of BiologyCase Western Reserve UniversityDirectorSkeletal Research CenterCase Western Reserve UniversityMemberCancer Genomics and Epigenomics ProgramCase Comprehensive Cancer CenterEmail:
Interests: Cartilage Tissue Engineering, Somatic Stem Cell Biology, Reprogramming Technology (IPS), Cell Therapy and Tissue Regeneration, Cancer Metastasis.
ARMI BioFabUSA Faculty Members
Thomas J. Bollenbach, PhD
Chief Technology Officer ARMI
Associate Director, Translation and Manufacturing
Project Lead, TR&D-4
Richard D. McFarland, PhD, MD
Chief Regulatory Officer, ARMI
Co-Lead, Training and Dissemination
Martine Behra, PhD
Scientific Grant Strategist/Writer ARMI