The CATHOLIC CHARITIES SERVICES CORP. originated in the Federation of Catholic Community Services, founded in 1972. The corporation coordinates the large network of Roman Catholic social services within the Diocese of Cleveland, with 15,085 volunteers, 1,885 employees, and a combined budget of $73.2 million (1993). It is the administrative, financing, planning, and research section of the Cleveland Catholic Charities (CCC), while the CATHOLIC CHARITIES CORP. performs fundraising. In 1972 a task force evaluating Catholic social services stated the need for a coordinated social-service structure, which respected the autonomy of each agency while coordinating activities and communication. Thirty agencies and institutions formed the Federation of Catholic Community Services, a centralized programming, planning, and administrative body. The federation's first executive director was Frank Catliota (1972-83). By 1984 members received such services as coordinated approaches to programs, legislative and legal advice, and telephone referral. A social ministry program aided individual parishes.
The system was reorganized in 1991 as the Catholic Charities Services Corp. Designed to improve resource utilization, planning, administration, and funds distribution, the system featured two subsidiaries, the Catholic Social Services Corp., involving such agencies as Catholic Social Services of Cuyahoga, representing each of the 8 counties in the diocese, and the Catholic Youth and Community Services Corp., involving such agencies as the Catholic Youth Organization and the Martin De Porres Center. Incorporated organizations that are part of the Catholic Charities system include PARMADALE, the ROSE-MARY CENTER, JENNINGS HALL, St. Edward Home, St. Augustine Corp., and the ST. VINCENT DEPAUL SOCIETY.
Federation of Catholic Community Services Records, Catholic Diocesan Archives.