The COSMOPOLITAN DEMOCRATIC LEAGUE OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY is a political organization of elected officials and citizens that represents the interests of Greater Cleveland's ethnic groups within the Democratic party. The league was formed on 2 Nov. 1932 by Felix T. Matia, director of public parks, who served as president. Municipal Judge George S. Tenesy was 1st vice-president; Associate County Prosecutor FRANK D. CELEBREZZE, 2nd vice-president; Councilman Emil J. Crown, secretary; and State Representative John DeRighter, treasurer.
Still active in the 1990s, monthly meetings bring together representatives of the area's Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Italian, Slovene, Serbian, Ukrainian, Russian, Croatian, Rusin, Romanian, Greek, and German communities to discuss political issues and to endorse the election of candidates active in the ethnic community. In primary elections the league endorsements often differed from those of the CUYAHOGA COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY.
Two voting delegates from each nationality group serve on a candidate screening committee, although all members retain voting rights in league affairs. Besides monthly meetings, other regular events include election night rallies and fundraisers for the league and other supporting ethnic organizations. In 1995 Lakewood City Councilman Tom George served as league president. Membership stood at 250 citizens and elected officials from around Cuyahoga County.