The GEORGE S. DIVELY FOUNDATION was established in Cleveland in 1956 by business and civic leader GEORGE S. DIVELY, then president of HARRIS CORP. It has funded leadership development in business and HIGHER EDUCATION. Grants have usually been initiated by the foundation rather than by application. In 1984 the Dively Foundation began recognizing corporate efforts in urban development by funding the George S. Dively Award, administered by the College of Urban Affairs at CLEVELAND STATE UNIV. The Ralston Purina Co. first received the award for helping transform a blighted area of St. Louis, MO. The honor carried with it $25,000 to fund grants for graduate students in urban affairs. With assets of over $2.3 million, the Dively Foundation disbursed $2.1 million in 1992 for 14 grants. President and secretary in 1993 was Michael A. Dively. In 1994 the foundation moved to Key West, FL.
George S. Dively Foundation Records, WRHS.