GOLDNER, JACOB H. (8 Aug. 1871-30 Dec. 1949), pastor of EUCLID AVE. CHRISTIAN CHURCH for 45 years, one of the longest DISCIPLES OF CHRIST pastorates, was born in Beaver, Pa., to George and Caroline Vogt Goldner. He graduated from Hiram College in 1896. While a student he ministered at Austintown Church; his first full pastorate, at Chagrin Falls Church (1896-98), was followed by graduate studies at the University of Chicago Divinity School. Before graduating, he accepted the pastorate of Euclid Ave. Christian Church. The 400-seat structure was soon too small for the increasing membership, so a 1,100-seat church was dedicated in 1908. Soon after beginning at the church, Goldner embarked on an experiment in personal evangelism, calling on people within the community. Hundreds were received into membership, and church evangelism replaced revival meetings.

Dr. Goldner was on the committee organizing the Cleveland Fed. of Churches (later Cleveland Church Fed.) and was its president (1921-22). He was president of the Ohio Christian Missionary Society (1920), served as a commissioner of the Assoc. for the Promotion of Christian Unity, and in 1924 became president of the Internatl. Convention of the Disciples of Christ. Goldner did graduate work at Harvard (1897) and Western Reserve University (1903). Goldner resigned in 1945, was named pastor emeritus, and acted as ad interim pastor of 7 churches. He died right before his ministry's 50th anniversary celebration. Goldner married Harriet Marks Goldner 10 Aug. 1904 and had 2 sons, Jacob H. Jr. and Gerould R.

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