MONCOL, ANDREW JOHN (3 Dec. 1877-16 March 1974), pastor of St. Cyril Congregational Church (1922-39), wrote and published articles in local and national Czech newspapers. An active participant in ethnic affairs among CZECHS, he was supreme trustee of the Slovak National Society of America and Canada (1910-12). Moncol was born in Klenovec, Czechoslovakia to Matey and Emilia Figuli Moncol. He came to the United States around 1900. After graduating from Oberlin College (1905), he traveled abroad and returned for postgraduate work at Oberlin Theological Seminary (1906). Ordained to the ministry in 1906, Moncol served as pastor of the Congregational church of Braddock, PA, and then as missionary to the Slavic community there (1906-1909). During WORLD WAR I, he worked with the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION in Siberia among Czech soldiers (1919). Just before and after the war, Moncol served a church in South Elmdale, MN. He came to Cleveland in 1922. Moncol retired in 1939 after suffering a stroke but then worked as a translator and a missionary to Slavic immigrants.

On 29 May 1906 Moncol married Mary Zoltak (d. 1951); they lived in Cleveland with their children Helen M. and Emilie C. (Mrs. Milan) Siebert. He later married Edna Arnold on 16 June 1954; the couple lived on Cleveland's west side. Moncol is buried in West Park Cemetery.

Andre John Moncol Papers, Oberlin College Archives.

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