The UNITED GERMAN SINGERS. Over the years local German singing groups have come together to make collective appearances at special events such as the national SAENGERFESTS held in Cleveland in 1855, 1859, 1874, 1893, 1927, and 1986. They have been referred to in English-language publications as The United German Singers. In 1881, JACOB MUELLER and Edward Belz founded Die Gesellschaft der Vereinigten Sdnger (The Society of United Singers) with EMIL RING as its director. This federation was formed for the purpose of preparing for a German singing society competition in Chicago. It so distinguished itself that it was chosen to perform at the burial of President James Garfield at LAKE VIEW CEMETERY that year. A successor group, Die Vereinigten Sdnger von Cleveland (The United Singers of Cleveland), was formed in 1904 at the West Side Sociale Turnverein on Lorain Street. In 1928, local German women's singing societies formed an alliance named Die Vereinigten Damenchvre (The United Women's Choruses). Its male equivalent was Die Vereinigten Mdnnerchvre. Both of these alliances then comprised the major membership of Die Vereinigten Sdnger von Cleveland. They recently consolidated to become Die Vereinigten Chvre. When the city's second and third alliances of German societies ( see FEDERATION OF GERMAN-AMERICAN SOCIETIES OF GREATER CLEVELAND) disbanded after the world wars, the United German Singers assumed the responsibility for sponsoring the annual German Day Celebration.


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