URBAN, HELEN E. WILLIAMS (8 Nov. 1904-19 Dec. 1988), fundraiser for health causes, helped establish the HEALTH FUND OF GREATER CLEVELAND (1959) and the SOUTH EUCLID HISTORICAL SOCIETY (1966). Urban was born in Oil City, PA, to Dora Keltner and James B. Williams. She studied botany at Ohio Wesleyan University. Urban moved to SOUTH EUCLID after her marriage on 14 Sept. 1929 to George Urban (mayor of his hometown, South Euclid, 1948-71); they had 5 children, Mark A., Alice Glady, James J., Joann Taylor, and Thomas. Urban was a life member of the South Euclid Historical Society, the Garden Club, the Women's Club, and the League of Women Voters in South Euclid. She also belonged to the City Hall Wives and served on many committees at the United Methodist Church of South Euclid. The couple moved to Clarion, PA, in 1971, following George Urban's retirement from public service and from the Northern Ohio Food Terminal. Helen Urban died in Franklin, PA, and is buried in Knollwood Cemetery in MAYFIELD HEIGHTS.

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