
Participation in committees is a great way to become more closely involved with CWRU EMS and its operations. Each committee welcomes members of all ranks, but please note that IDC and HCO are open to clinical members only. Please plan to dedicate at least 1 hour per week to attend meetings and work on committee projects.

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Committee
Chair: Elijah O'Connor
The DEI committee is tasked with creating and advancing initiatives related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This committee has been involved in creating a cultural competency checklist item necessary for promotions, writing the CWRU EMS DEI statement and more! Email the chair for more information. 

DEI Application

EOC (Education and Outreach Committee)
Chair: Brynn Connors
The community outreach committee is tasked with finding and organizing opportunities for CWRU students to engage with the greater Cleveland Community. While searching for clinical opportunities where EMTs can use their skills is a priority, the committee will be looking for any and all ways to help our surrounding area. Topics of interest include overdose prevention and education in local high schools & communities, but all ideas are certainly welcome. Email the chair for more information. 

EOC Application

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) Committee 
Chair: Leeza Kuznetsov
The SOP Committee is tasked with reviewing all CWRU EMS Standard Operating Procedures. This committee will have a heavy time commitment but members of this committee will be very involved in forming our guidelines. This is a great way to get more familiar and with CWRU EMS operations. Email the chair for more information. 

SOP Application

IDC (Internal Development Committee)
Chair: Morgan Griffith
The Internal Development Committee (IDC) is tasked with creating events and programming for the organization outside of clinical activities. As a member of this committee you will create new ways to recognize the clinical members of this organization for their service as well as engaging opportunities for members to bond off-shift. IDC runs our semesterly banquet as well as many other events throughout the year. Email the chair for more information. 

IDC Application (clinical members only)

HCO (Health and Cleanliness Officers)
Health and Cleanliness Officers graciously dedicate some of their time to wash the sheets and blankets that we use while on overnight shifts. This role is crucial to EMS operations - our HCOs keep us in service to our community.

HCO Application (clinical members only)