Karla Coburn, DDS, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineAssistant ProfessorOral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic SciencesSchool of Dental MedicinePhone: 216.368.6186
Email: kxc775@case.edu
Office Number: EG-06Darin A. Croft, PhD
ChairDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineGraduate Program DirectorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of BiologyCollege of Arts and SciencesProfessorDepartment of Earth, Environmental and Planetary SciencesCollege of Arts and SciencesPhone: 216.368.5268
Email: dac34@case.edu
Office Number: EG-03 (Main), HEC-226G (Secondary)Rebecca Enterline, MS
Adjunct InstructorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineSchool of MedicinePhone: 216.368.3361
Email: rxe100@case.edi
Meghan M. Newcomer, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineAssistant ProfessorOral and Maxillofacial Medicine and Diagnostic SciencesSchool of Dental MedicinePhone: 216.368.3430
Email: mmf109@case.edu
Scott W. Simpson, PhD
DirectorAnatomical Gift ProgramSchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicineProfessorDepartment of BiologyCollege of Arts and SciencesProfessorDepartment of AnthropologyCollege of Arts and SciencesPhone: 216.368.1946
Email: sws3@cwru.edu
Office Number: EG-46 (Main), HEC-226G (Secondary)Bryan Singelyn, MS
InstructorDepartment of AnatomySchool of MedicinePhone: 216.368.0192
Email: bms103@case.edu
Office Number: WG-46A, HEC-226CSusanne Wish-Baratz, PhD, MBA
ProfessorDepartment of AnatomyPhone: 216.368.6667
Email: sxw195@case.edu
Office Number: HEC-226d