Junior Faculty Career Development Program


Junior faculty and Post Docs interested in engaging in academic and scholarly research with focus on improving career development. 


  • Seminars will be interactive and once a month for one hour.
  • Additionally, participants will have a junior faculty happy hour-Date TBD 
  • Each participant will be assigned a faculty ‘coach’ to assist in growth over the series. This could be a mentor or advisor.  The expectation is that the participant will meet at a minimum of monthly. 
  • Each participant will meet twice annually with BHLI Leadership team to discuss career goals and present in a scholarly oversight format. 

Overall Curriculum

  1. Whom am I as a Scientist? What do I want? Where do I fit?
  2. Understanding and developing my five-year plan?
  3. My scholarly activity and how to grow it
  4. Promotion
  5. Research, Quality Improvement Introduction
  6. How to get funded?
  7. Formulation of a Research or QI Question 
  8. Study Design
  9. Regulatory Logistics
  10. QI and Research Ethics
  11. Your Career Elevator Pitch 
  12. How to write a Specific AIMS page
  13. Publishing
  14. Learning how to exist and thrive in a big system full of altruism and politics
  15. School of Medicine  committee involvement
  16. Finding the right career mentor/sponsor
    1. What are the definitions
    2. What are your responsibilities
    3. What are their responsibilities
  17. Time management skills…career and life balance
  18. Personal Finances 
  19. Professional finances
    1. How do I read a balance sheet
    2. How do I create a budget for a proposal
    3. How do I reconcile charges with reimbursement
  20. How to exist and thrive in academia – getting to know the landscape
    1. Reporting structure of institution
    2. Reporting structure of academic division and department
    3. Committees that exist with their chairs and their mission
    4. Optimizing networking within my institution
  21. Which professional society to join and what to do? How to get involved in professional societies without diffusing focus
    1. Primary vs secondary
    2. Getting fees paid
    3. Optimizing networking
  22. How to give presentations
    1. To trainees
    2. To colleagues
    3. To leadership
  23. How to mentor students, trainees, fellows, residents
  24. How to effectively teach
  25. How to become a leader within
    1. Division
    2. Hospital
    3. School of Medicine
    4. What are the opportunities for training   
  26. Conflict resolution strategies
  27. Teaching strategies
    1. Determined by level
    2. In person
    3. Remote
    4. hybrid
  28. What if something goes wrong….who has my back?
  29. Building a laboratory 
    1. Gap/needs assessment 
    2. Finding stakeholders
  30. Next steps in your career…how to navigate
    1. Niche within science 
    2. Niche outside of science
  31. Feeling like you are Failing…a necessary step in success!

Junior faculty interested will need to be members of the research center.  Please join and look out for first meeting in July.