Congratulations to Neuroscience Undergraduate Students on winning Research Presentation Awards at the April 2024 Intersections Poster Session

Life Sciences
1st Place (tied) - Shruti Bhatia
Title: Characterization of Puncta-Like Structures Following Demyelination in the Mouse
Faculty Mentor: Hod Dana, Cleveland Clinic Department of Neurosciences

1st Place (tied) - Ashleigh Walker
Localization of rDNA and DNA during metaphase in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae.
Faculty Mentor: Alan Tartakoff, CWRU Department of Pathology

2nd Place (tied) - Lydia Mitchell
Transcriptome Changes Involved in Epileptogenesis in Pilocarpine-Induced Temporal Lobe
Epilepsy Mouse Models
Faculty Mentor: Hoonkyo Suh, Cleveland Clinic Department of Neurosciences

2nd Place (tied) - Vani Thakur
Single-cell-resolution morphological analysis of brain endothelial cells
Faculty Mentor: Ryota Matsuoka, Cleveland Clinic Department of Neurosciences